The genomes of ascomycete species were screened for sequences similar to
Candida albicans Rbt5 by BLAST. Eighty-six sequences were aligned using the MAFFT G-INS-i algorithm (
Katoh et al., 2005) and a tree was built on this alignment using the NJ method. The 46 Candiaceae CFEM proteins from 14 species (green lines) cluster in three groups, with homology to Rbt5, Csa2, and Pga7, respectively. Species prefixes of proteins in the three clusters most similar to
C. albicans Rbt5, Csa2, and Pga7: no prefix –
C. albicans; Cp –
Candida parapsilosis; Ct –
Candida tropicalis; Dh –
Debaryomyces hansenii; Lelon –
Lodderomyces elongisporus; Pstip –
Pichia stipitis; Ctan –
Candida tanzawaensis; Spas –
Spathaspora passalidarum; Ctenuis –
Candida tenuis; Clus –
Candida lusitaniae; Mbicus –
Metschnikowia bicuspidate; Milfar –
Millerozyma farinosa; Cmal –
Candida maltosa; Hburt –
Hypopichia burtonii. Eight species show one apparent ortholog each of Rbt5, Csa2, and Pga7, 4 species show orthologs of two of the three at least, and two species show orthologs of only one. Additional CFEM proteins (bottom part of the figure) are from more distantly related species and may not participate in heme acquisition.