A) The cultures depicted in
Figure 4B were sampled at the same timepoints for protein extraction. Equal protein amounts were loaded on gels, and the GFP fusion proteins were detected after Western blotting with a rabbit anti-GFP antibody. The time after shift to YPD+1 mM ferrozine±50 μM hemin (Frp1-GFP) or to YPD pH 8.5+1 mM ferrozine ±50 μM hemin, as indicated, is indicated above the lanes. U=uninduced starting culture, C=control strain without GFP. (
B) The same strains were grown overnight in iron-limited medium (Frp1: YPD+1 mM ferrozine, Frp2: YPD pH 8.5+1 mM ferrozine), diluted and grown another 2 hr in the same media, then washed and resuspended in iron satiation medium (YPD). The indicated timepoints are after shift to YPD. To detect decay rather than dilution of the protein pool present at the shift, each lane contains the same volume of cell culture.