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. 2022 Nov 5;22:1321. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08711-x

Table 3.

The estimated regression models for hospital cost

(1) All (2) With APCD (3) Without APCD
APCD adoption 0.0877***
HHI 0.200*** 0.00916 0.178**
(0.0727) (0.203) (0.0745)
APCD*HHI 0.0485
HHI*2012 -0.141 -0.000946
(0.112) (0.0417)
HHI*2013 -0.129 -0.0496
(0.108) (0.0424)
HHI*2014 -0.171 -0.0977**
(0.108) (0.0429)
HHI*2015 -0.185* -0.0996**
(0.109) (0.0430)
HHI*2016 -0.160 -0.153***
(0.109) (0.0427)
HHI*2017 -0.176 -0.115**
(0.111) (0.0447)
Size 0.000423*** 0.000810*** 0.000748***
(4.48e-05) (7.30e-05) (4.80e-05)
Urban 0.00196 -0.0220 0.00552
(0.0201) (0.0491) (0.0242)
Nonprofit 0.0283** 0.0117 0.0619***
(0.0114) (0.0243) (0.0109)
Teaching -0.0503*** 0.0196 -0.00880
(0.0173) (0.0265) (0.0183)
Lobby 0.205*** 0.0857** -0.0387**
(0.0156) (0.0432) (0.0161)
Adjusted admission 16.75*** 7.137*** 12.79***
(0.381) (0.592) (0.428)
2012 0.0762*** 0.0611***
(0.00708) (0.00351)
2013 0.109*** 0.0943***
(0.00684) (0.00369)
2014 0.148*** 0.127***
(0.00658) (0.00380)
2015 0.193*** 0.160***
(0.00660) (0.00382)
2016 0.239*** 0.210***
(0.00661) (0.00385)
2017 0.275*** 0.246***
(0.00696) (0.00407)
Constant 17.84*** 18.00*** 17.70***
(0.0127) (0.0276) (0.0131)
Observations 24,191 6,297 17,894
R-squared 0.146 0.399 0.369
Number of hospitals 3,835 1,314 3,337

***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1 and standard errors in parentheses