Fig. 6.
Tissue-specific cleavage profiled used for tissue-of-origin analysis. Cleavage profiles of placenta-specific hypermethylated (A) and hypomethylated (B) CpGs in fetal-specific DNA (red line) and shared DNA (blue line) were determined, respectively. Fetal-specific and shared DNA molecules in maternal plasma were pooled together from 30 pregnant women. The CGN/NCG motif ratios associated with placenta-specific hypermethylated (C) and hypomethylated CpGs (D) were positively and negatively correlated with fetal DNA fractions, respectively. (E) and (F) Impact of the sequencing depth on the performance of tissue-of-origin analysis. Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the CGN/NCG motif ratio from liver-specific hypermethylated (red) and hypomethylated (blue) CpGs and liver DNA fraction (E). Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the CGN/NCG motif ratio from placenta-specific hypermethylated (red) and hypomethylated (blue) CpGs and fetal DNA fraction. X-axis represents different sequencing depths (F).