Fig. 4. Identification of potential DNA methylation booster of recurrent ependymoma.
A Heatmap showing the DMCs that were newly acquired in the recurrent (R) RELA (upper panel) and PFA (lower panel) tumors but absent in the primary (P) ependymomas. B Representative UCSC genome browser showing regions that was selectively hypermethylated in all recurrent tumors of a RELA recurrent tumors (n = 7) (upper panel) and PFA (n = 4) (lower panel) but not in their matching primary tumors. C Scheme showing the identification of recurrent-specific DMR (DNA methylation booster) associated genes. Hyper- and hypoDMR associated genes found in the patient tumors but not preserved in the matching PDOX models were filtered out. Differential expressions genes (DEGs) that were negatively correlated with DNA methylation were shown in the scatterplots with relative levels of change for RELA (red in upper panel) and PFA (blue in the lower panel) together with a list of top candidate genes.