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. 2022 Nov 5;12:18740. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-23382-8

Table 1.

Regions associated with processing in non-native learners and native speakers.

Spatial extent test MNI coordinates (mm) t value Location
Cluster size PFWE-corr x y z Side Area
In non-native learners
13,387  < 0.001 −3 8 64 5.95 L SFG
1 9 63 6.18 R SFG
− 5 18 44 5.56 L mPFC
14 25 33 5.72 R MCC
23,272  < 0.001 − 34 −1 45 4.83 L Precentral gyrus
− 54 28 19 8.27 L IFG, triangular
− 46 15 6 5.92 L IFG, opercular
− 35 19 − 1 6.75 L Insula
− 33 35 − 2 5.12 L IFG, orbital
829 0.022 − 3 − 15 13 3.70 L Thalamus
5112  < 0.001 40 26 7 4.97 R IFG, triangular
13 17 3 5.17 R Caudate
35 24 − 1 5.96 R Insula
35 32 − 5 4.07 R IFG, orbital
26 19 6 4.32 R Putamen
3748  < 0.001 − 50 − 41 7 4.99 L MTG
1013 0.008 − 11 12 7 5.54 L Caudate
− 11 6 0 4.77 L Pallidam
704 0.045 51 − 31 3 4.75 R STG
10,800  < 0.001 18 − 85 − 14 4.77 R Lingual gyrus
20 − 67 − 27 5.44 R Cerebellum VI
14 − 65 − 29 5.29 R Cerebellum Dentate
41 − 61 − 30 4.76 R Cerebellum Crus I
11 − 83 − 30 6.19 R Cerebellum Crus II
27 − 65 − 46 6.74 R Cerebellum VIIb
In native speakers
15,126  < 0.001 − 9 21 46 6.50 L SFG
1 26 39 5.06 R mPFC
− 3 26 38 5.29 L MCC
14 20 33 6.30 R MCC
− 12 28 29 4.97 L ACC
21,757  < 0.001 − 55 27 18 6.31 L IFG, triangular
− 47 14 6 6.34 L IFG, opercular
− 33 19 − 1 9.63 L Insula
− 46 17 −8 5.88 L IFG, orbital
− 46 20 − 15 5.83 L Temporal pole
12,286  < 0.001 38 19 13 4.55 R IFG, opercular
36 32 4 5.29 R IFG, triangular
37 22 − 3 8.02 R Insula
48 24 − 10 4.79 R IFG, orbital
5067  < 0.001 3 − 8 8 5.70 R Thalamus
− 11 9 5 4.82 L Caudate
11 13 4 4.93 R Caudate
7592  < 0.001 12 − 89 7 4.99 R Calcarine gyrus
− 1 − 79 − 7 4.29 L Lingual gyrus
21 − 87 − 13 5.92 R Lingual gyrus
13 − 82 − 34 5.95 R Cerebellum Crus II
1714  < 0.001 − 57 − 37 5 4.88 L MTG
1448  < 0.001 0 − 56 − 21 5.03 Cerebellum I−IV
5 − 55 − 26 4.52 R Cerebellum Fastigial
21 − 68 − 26 3.43 R Cerebellum VI
1 − 61 − 29 4.54 R Cerebellum Vermis VI
9 − 64 − 30 4.32 R Cerebellum Dentate
− 1 − 59 − 32 4.38 L Cerebellum Vermis VIIIa
744 0.036 34 − 67 − 23 3.95 R Cerebellum VI
45 − 57 − 29 4.04 R Cerebellum Crus I

Activation was set at a threshold of p < 0.05 and FWE was corrected for multiple comparisons over the whole brain, with the height threshold set at p < 0.001, uncorrected. The terms x, y, and z represent the stereotaxic coordinates (mm). R, right hemisphere; L, left hemisphere; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; MCC, middle cingulate cortex; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; FWE, family-wise error; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute.