Fig. 3. Orientation distribution and moisture-induced degradation distribution within the perovskite film.
80 × 20 μm2 (length × depth) maps of a preferred orientations of the (100) perovskite peak, and b preferred orientations and the corresponding intensity of the (100) perovskite peak. Red and purple boxes in (a) indicate preferred orientations of the (100) perovskite plane at around 35o and 64o. c 80 × 20 μm2 (length × depth) intensity maps of PbI2 (100) peak. d Overlap between the orientation map of (100) perovskite peak and the intensity map of PbI2 (100) peak in the same scan area. The blue and yellow boxes denote the perovskite degradation occurring at the grain surface, and at the grain boundary, respectively. e Schematic diagram shows the distribution of the preferred orientation angles. f Schematic illustration of numerous small grains with different orientations close to the bottom, replaced by large grains with dominant, emergent orientations. g Magnified images of the perovskite degradation region at the grain surface (blue box), and at the grain boundary (yellow box). Schematic illustration of h moisture degradation of the perovskite film and i the grain fragmentation at the degradation region.