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. 2022 Aug 10;6(6):929–934. doi: 10.1016/j.jseint.2022.07.004

Table I.

Baseline characteristics of patients.

Variable Constrained liner (n = 22) Matched unconstrained (n = 44) P value
Patient demographics
 Age: years (mean, SD) 69.1 8.3 69.1 8.2 1.000
 Sex: male (n, %) 7 31.8 14 31.8 1.000
 BMI: kg/m2 (mean, SD) 32.4 7.3 29.9 4.8 .100
 Dominant arm: yes (n, %) 11 50.0 22 50.0 1.000
 Tobacco use: yes (n, %) 1 4.5 2 4.5 1.000
 Diabetes: yes (n, %) 2 9.1 2 4.5 .466
Surgical indications
 Rotator cuff tear arthropathy (n, %) 14 63.6 26 59.1 .722
 Glenohumeral osteoarthritis (n, %) 4 18.2 10 22.7 .670
 Irreparable rotator cuff tear (n, %) 4 18.2 8 18.2 1.000
Implant variables
 Glenosphere diameter
 33 mm (n, %) 7 31.8 14 31.8 1.000
 36 mm (n, %) 6 27.3 12 27.3 1.000
 39 mm (n, %) 6 27.3 12 27.3 1.000
 42 mm (n, %) 3 13.6 6 13.6 1.000
 Glenoid metallic lateralization
 0 mm (n, %) 2 9.1 4 9.1 1.000
 2 mm (n, %) 0 0.0 0 0.0 1.000
 4 mm (n, %) 11 50.0 22 50.0 1.000
 6 mm (n, %) 4 18.2 8 18.2 1.000
 8 mm (n, %) 5 22.7 10 22.7 1.000
Mean SD Mean SD
Baseline PROs and ROM
 VAS pain 1.0 1.5 1.4 2.5 .493
 ASES 78.7 14.4 82.2 20.5 .477
 WOOS 81.4 19.0 84.1 21.3 .617
 SANE 76.5 24.1 77.3 23.9 .899
 VR-12 mental 46.7 11.2 54.5 8.3 .002
 Constant 25.6 14.4 31.8 15.2 .117
 Active FF (degrees) 81 41 92 36 .268
 Active ER at Side (degrees) 23 19 30 21 .193
 Active ER at 90 (degrees) 19 27 25 28 .410
 Active IR (spinal level) Sacrum 3 L5 2 .112
 Active IR (at 90 abd) 18 22 21 23 .614
Baseline strength measures
 Constant-Murley (kg) 1.45 4.35 2.09 1.86 .409
 External rotation strength (kg) 2.49 1.18 3.31 2.27 .119
 Belly press strength (kg) 2.77 1.72 3.45 1.77 .142

BMI, body mass index; PROs, patient-reported outcomes; ROM, range of motion; SD, standard deviation; VAS, visual analog scale; ASES, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons; WOOS, Western Ontario Osteoarthris of the Shoulder; SANE, single assessment numeric evaluation; FF, forward flexion; ER, external rotation; IR, internal rotation.