ESI/MS analysis (negative ion mode) of IPCs from purified amastigotes and infected tissue. Spectra were obtained by a triple stage quadrupole instrument applying precursor scan of 241 in the negative ion mode that focuses on IPCs and inositol phospholipid species in the lipid extracts. Samples were prepared from (A) purified WT amastigotes, (B) purified Δipcs− amastigotes (clone WAE), and (C) total infected WT footpad lesions. γKO mice were used in the studies shown; similar findings with BALB/c hosts are shown in Figs. S6 and S7. d16:1/18:0-IPC, phosphoryl inositol N-stearoylhexadecesphing-4-enine; d18:1/18:0-IPC, phosphoryl inositol N-stearoylsphingosine; d18:0/18:0-IPC, phosphoryl inositol N-stearoylsphinganine. ESI/MS, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; IPC, inositol phosphorylceramide.