JAZF1-SUZ12 takes on a JAZF1-like binding profile during cell differentiation
(A) Hierarchical clustering showing the relationship between the patterns of SUZ12, SUZ12Δ93, JAZF1-SUZ12, and JAZF1 genome occupancy in ESCs and embryoid bodies (EBs) 4 and 8 days after induction of EB formation (averages of two independent ChIPs). Pearson correlations between samples are shown by color, according to the scale on the left.
(B) Metagene plots (above) and heatmaps (below) showing SUZ12, SUZ12Δ93, JAZF1-SUZ12, and JAZF1 occupancy at sites bound by JAZF1-SUZ12 in ESCs (left, n = 4,812) or EBs (right, n = 8,165). In the heatmaps, occupancy (normalized reads) is indicated by color, according to the scale on the right. At each time point, sites are ordered by the average occupancy of all factors.
(C) UpSet plots showing the number of sites bound by different combinations of proteins in ESCs and EBs. Binding combinations are grouped into sites bound by SUZ12 and/or SUZ12Δ93 (light blue), sites bound by JAZF1-SUZ12 alone (red), sites bound by JAZF1-SUZ12 and/or JAZF1 (black), and other combinations (gray).
(D) Genome occupancy (normalized reads per 10-bp window) at example genes bound by SUZ12, SUZ12Δ93, and JAZF1-SUZ12 (“SUZ12 shared”; Hoxa cluster); SUZ12, but not JAZF1-SUZ12 (“JAZF1-SUZ12 depleted”; T); JAZF1-SUZ12 and JAZF1, but not SUZ12 (Bax); and JAZF1-SUZ12 specific (dashed box upstream of Gata4) at 0, 4, and 8 days.
(E) Heatmap showing enrichment (−log10 p value) of representative GO terms within the sets of genes occupied by SUZ12, JAZF1-SUZ12, or JAZF1 in ESCs (day 0) or EBs (day 8).
See also Figure S2 and Table S1.