Figure 5. Proline‐rich domain of FIP1L1 is necessary for the interaction with YTHDC1.
ASchematic diagram of the functional regions of YTHDC1 and FIP1L1 and fragment cloning. The prolines in the proline‐rich region (356–406) of FIP1L1 were mutated into alanines.
BCo‐IP assays using truncated FIP1L1 proteins revealed that the proline‐rich domain of FIP1L1 plays an important role in interacting with YTHDC1.
CMutation of FIP1L1 nearly abrogates the interaction between YTHDC1 and FIP1L1 compared with wild type.
D–GCo‐IP assays using different domains of YTHDC1 revealed that the N‐terminus (1–344 aa) and YTH domain (364–507 aa) of YTHDC1 interact with FIP1L1.
Source data are available online for this figure.