Figure 2.
Characterization of complex formed between ADAR2-R2D E488Q and a 32 bp 8-azanebularine (N) containing duplex with G:G pair (32 bp GG RNA) adjacent to N. (A) (Top) Sequence of 32 bp duplex used for crystallization. (Bottom) EMSA gel of hADAR2-R2D E488Q with this duplex. Protein concentrations are as follows: lane 1: no protein, lanes 2–12: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 nM. (B) Quantification of protein binding by EMSA. (C) Ribbon diagram depicting the structure of hADAR2-RD E488Q dimer bound to 32 bp G:G pair RNA at 2.7 Å resolution. The edited strand (with azaN flipped into the active site of monomer A is colored salmon, while the unedited guide strand is colored cyan. The 5′G in the syn conformation is show with a red base. (D) Fit of a Gsyn:Ganti base pair in the 2Fo– Fc electron density map contoured at 1σ. 5′ G indicates guanosine linked to azaN on its 5′ side. –1 G refers to the guanosine in the opposite strand on the 3′ side of the orphan base paired with the 5′ G.