(A–C) Representative images of Scn1a-floxed (A), Scn1a-Het (B), and Scn1a-cKO (C) adult spinal cord sections (30 μm). Images were acquired with a ×63, 1.4 NA oil-immersion objective. Sections were stained using immunochemistry with VGLUT1 (yellow) and ChAT (magenta). Nuclei (cyan) were labeled with DAPI. (D) Schematic of spinal cord regions of interest. (E) Quantification of the average density of VGLUT1+ puncta per 100 μm2 onto ChAT+ neurons that were larger than 400 μm2. A Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s post-hoc comparison was used to determine statistical significance. Each dot represents a motor neuron. Box and whisker plots represent maximum, minimum, median, upper and lower quartiles of data sets. Scn1a-floxed, n = 101; Scn1a-Het, n = 102; Scn1a-cKO, n = 92. Scale bar 20 μm. n = cells.