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. 2022 Oct 25;9:994805. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.994805

Table 1.

Study and cohort information.

Author, country, year Study goal Study population (diagnosis) Sample size Gender (males %) Region of body studied
Bowness et al., 2021 (18) Assess the AI anatomy identification Healthy population 244 Interscalene-supraclavicular level brachial plexus block
Rectus sheath block
Axillary level brachial plexus
Erector spinae plane block
Suprainguinal fascia iliaca block
Adductor canal block
Popliteal level sciatic nerve block
Alkhatib et al., 2018,
France (9)
To study nerve structure and ultrasound images tracking 10 6 (60%) males 4 (40%) females Median nerve identification
Alkhatib et al., 2019,
France (10)
To study the deep-learning performance for nerve tracking in ultrasound images - 42 Median & sciatic nerves
Gungor et al., 2021 (11) To study the accuracy of real-time (AI) -based anatomical identification Healthy population 40 20 (50%) males 20 (50%) females Block regions: Supraclavicular, infraclavicular, and transversus
abdominis plane (TAP)
Hetherington et al., 2017 (19) Detect the lower vertebral level 20 Anesthesia in the lower vertebrae regions
(sacrum, intervertebral gaps, and
vertebral bones)
Huang et al., 2019
China (20)
femoral nerve on ultrasound images Femoral nerve
Mwikirize et al., 2018 (12) CNN-based framework for needle detection in curvilinear 2D US bovine/porcine lumbosacral
spine phantom
Oh et al., 2019,
Singapore (13)
Success rate of spinal anesthesia Obstetric women 100 Spinal anesthesia
Pesteie et al., 2017 (14) Precise needle target localization 33
Smistad et al., 2018,
Norway (15)
Identification of musculocutaneous, median, ulnar, and radial nerve) and blood vessels Healthy volunteers 49 Axillary nerve block:
four nerves (musculocutaneous, median, ulnar, and radial nerve) and blood vessels
Tran et al., 2010,
Canada (21)
Features of the lumbar anatomy Parturients in labor or scheduled for cesarean delivery 20 Epidural anesthesia
Bowness et al., 2022 (16) Assessment of the utility of ScanNav to identify structures, teaching and learning UGRA and increase operator confidence. Assessment of UGRA expert perception of risks of the use of ScanNav (risk of block failure, unwanted needle trauma (eg, arteries, nerves, and pleura/peritoneum Healthy volunteers 2 Nine peripheral nerve block regions
The upper limb (the “interscalene-,” “upper trunk-,” “supraclavicular-,” “axillary-level brachial plexus” regions;
“Erector spinae plane block,” “rectus sheath plane block regions”; the “suprainguinal level fascia iliaca plane,” “adductor canal and popliteal-level sciatic nerve blocks.”
Bowness et al., 2022 (22) Expert-level AI model performance evaluation Healthy adult subjects 40 Upper-extremity blocks: “upper trunk of the brachial plexus,” “interscalene-level brachial plexus,” “supraclavicular-level brachial plexus,” “axillary-level brachial plexus”
Thoraco-abdominal blocks: erector spinae plane, rectus sheath block.
Lower-extremity blocks: “suprainguinal fascia iliaca,” “adductor canal and distal femoral triangle,” “popliteal-level sciatic nerve blocks.”
Yang et al., 2022 (23) Development a deep learning algorithm to locate the “interscalene brachial plexus” based on ultrasound images to aid anaesthesiologists. Patients 1076 (dataset −11 392 images Interscalene brachial plexus
Liu et al., 2021 (17) To identify difference in accuracy between deep learning-powered ultrasound guidance and regular ultrasound images; the use of artificial intelligence to optimize regional anesthesia puncture path; to identify the effectiveness of ultrasound-guided imaging “scapular nerve block” surgical pain of the fracture Patients 100 “Scapular nerve block”