The PHD superdomain of OBE1 but not of VIN3 binds to histone H3 tail peptides.A–D, representative ITC profiles of (A) At OBE1193-372, (B) Pd VIN3123-326, (C) At VIN3116-307, or (D) At VIN3150-208 incubated with H3K4me2, revealing binding of methylated histone H3 tail in the low micromolar range (KD 1.9 μM) in case of the OBE PHD superdomain, whereas binding cannot be detected for the VIN3 PHD superdomain nor for its minimal PHD finger module. E–G, overlays of BEST-TROSY spectra of 50 μM 15N-labeled Pd VIN3123-326, alone (black) or incubated with 0.5 mM of unmodified H3 21-mer (red), H3K9me2 15-mer (red), or H3T3p 15-mer (red) as indicated in panels.