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. 2022 Oct 25;9:989716. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.989716


Bonferroni-adjusted pairwise comparisons after repeated measures ANOVA for differences in plasma TG change and plasma PC EPA + DHA change between intervention groups.

Outcome/test Mean difference Test statistic Bonferroni-adjusted p-value
Change in plasma TG between start and end of 8-week intervention (mmol/L)
0.7 g/day EPA + DHA – control oil −0.095 −2.594 0.0298
1.8 g/day EPA + DHA – control oil −0.163 −4.162 0.0001
1.8 g/day EPA + DHA – 0.7 g/day EPA + DHA −0.069 −2.082 0.1144
Change in plasma PC EPA + DHA between start and end of 8-week intervention (% of total fatty acids)
0.7 g/day EPA + DHA – control oil 3.139 25.44 <0.0001
1.8 g/day EPA + DHA – control oil 4.740 31.45 <0.0001
1.8 g/day EPA + DHA – 0.7 g/day EPA + DHA 1.601 12.32 <0.0001