Differences in the firing properties of Purkinje cells measured within and between awake mice
(A) Schematic of recording setup depicting an awake mouse on a foam running wheel (left). Simplified schematic of cerebellar circuit (right). Heatmap scale (bottom).
(B) Example traces of Purkinje cell recordings in the same awake control mice. Mean firing rate calculated over 0.5 s intervals is represented in red (left). Simple spikes are represented in gray and complex spikes in green (right).
(C–H) Mean relative percent difference in (C) simple spike firing rate, (D) simple spike CV, (E) simple spike CV2, (F) simple spike firing rate, (G) simple spike CV, and (H) simple spike CV2 between nuclei neurons within the same mice or between mice, statistically analyzed using a paired t-test. Not significant (ns).