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. 2022 Oct 25;10:924316. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.924316

Table 2.

Study site characteristics.

Demographic variable n
Study population 8,205
Males 3,389
Females 4,312
Mean age in years (range) 29 (0–105)
Occupation n
Farmer 1,153
Student 3,745
Other occupation 997
No occupation 3,745
Ethnic groups in Malaysia n
Bajau 752
Dusun 4,137
Other 1,135
Rungus 2,091
Environmental variable Mean (range)
Population density (per km2) 1.8 (0–183.4)
Elevation (meters above sea level) 166.4 (4.0–1,258.0)
NDVI 0.5 (-0.2 to 0.9)
Average temperature, 1970–2000 (°C) 26.7 (21.5–27.5)
Mean diurnal range, 1970–2000 (°C) 8.2 (7.00–10.3)
Maximum temperature of warmest month, 1970–2000 (°C) 31.9 (28.1–32.8)
Minimum temperature of coldest month, 1970–2000 (°C) 21.5 (14.8–22.9)
Precipitation of the wettest month. 1970–2000 (mm) 2,417 (2,167–2,754)
Precipitation seasonality, 1970–2000 (coefficient of variation) 44.1 (16.9–59.5)
Distance to intact forest (m) 3,647 (0–19,836)
Distance to irrigated farmland (m) 2,794 (0–23,716)
Distance to oil palm plantation (m) 1098 (0–20,940)