Fig. 4. The ADAT2 C-terminal region including the KR-motif.
a The C-terminus of ADAT2 embraces nucleotides 35 and 37 and KR-loop residues (K or R) provide additional contacts with the anticodon-stem loop via phosphate backbone interactions at residues 28–31. A cartoon representation of the ADAT2 C-terminus and tRNA is shown with the final non-b-factor-sharpened cryoSPARC map. Due to the limited resolution, we refrain from showing side chains in the ADAT2C model. b The same region of ScTAD2/3 (PDB: 7BV5), MmADAT2/3 (PDB: 7NZ7), and RNA bound SaTadA (PDB: 2B3J). The flexible unmodeled loop of ScADAT2 is shown as a dotted line.