Cys273 oxidation is sufficient to induce CaMKII autonomy in an HEK cell lysate.A, total activity in lysates of CaMKII Cys273-Cys290, Cys273, and Cys290 mutants expressed in HEK cells (without EGTA) compared to nontransfected HEK cells (NT). The activity of Cys273-Cys290 was set to 100%. n = 3 replicates. B, autonomous activity in lysates of NT, Cys273-Cys290, Cys273, and Cys290 mutants expressed in HEK cells with the lysate incubated or not with diamide, in the presence or not of thioredoxin. n = 4 replicates. ∗p < 0.05 compared with CYs273-Cys290 by unpaired t test. CaMKII, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.