(A) Dihydrorhodamine (DHR) assay for NOX2 activity in peripheral blood PMN. Percent of DHR-high, low DHR-low and DHR-negative cells as indicated in Ncf2fl/fl, Ncf2KO, Ncf2LysMcre, Ncf2S100A8Cre,
CybbS100A8Cre and Ncf2CybbS100A8Cre mice. Representative samples shown. (B, C) Superoxide production by cytochrome C assay of marrow neutrophils from Ncf2fl/fl, Ncf2LysMcre and Ncf2S100A8Cre mice (B) and Ncf2fl/fl, Ncf2S100A8Cre and Ncf2CybbS100A8Cre mice (C). (D) Percent of oxidase positive (NBT-positive) RPM and AM in the indicated mice. 200 cells scored per mouse. (E) Monocyte stimulation index calculated from DHR+ bone marrow monocytes in the indicated mice. Each data point represents one mouse with n≥4 per group. Bar graph data shown as mean ± SD. Student’s ‘t’ test was performed for comparisons between 2 groups and **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 ****P< 0.0001 were considered as significant. Data represents at least 2 independent sets of experiments.