Figure 3.
MRI of MN-anti-miR10b delivery to metastatic breast cancer in a feline patient. (A) Pre-contrast and post-contrast T2* images (sagittal) of Cat 0 injected with one dose of MN-anti-miR10b. There was a notable loss in signal intensity over the secondary mammary lesion after injection of the therapeutic. (B) Quantitative analysis of relaxation times (T2 pre–T2 post, ms) of the tissues, confirming accumulation of MN-anti-miR10b (n=8, p<0.04). Data are represented as mean ± s.d. (C) Coronal post-contrast T2-weighted image showing signal voids identified by MN-anti-miR10b (arrows) corresponding to lesions in the abdominal area. (D) Left: Fluorescence microscopy showing accumulation of MN-anti-miR10b in the lesion (red – Cy5.5 on the nanoparticle; blue- DAPI); Right: H&E staining of the consecutive slice. Scale bar =100µm. (E) Animal weight during the course of the experiment. This symbol * means that the data are statistically significant (i.e., p<0.04).