Animal proteins, plant proteins, and total protein contents (g/d) in OBS and in diets obtained with MOD2, MOD2-NO, and a progressively decreasing constraint (in 5% steps) on the animal protein contribution to total proteins2, until no solution could be found, in (A) women < 50 y, (B) women 50–64 y, (C) women ≥ 65 y, (D) men < 65 y, and (E) men ≥ 65 y. MOD2 imposed the fulfillment of all nutrient-based recommendations, except the recommendation for proteins, while minimizing the departure from the observed diet. MOD2-NO was a MOD2 model without constraints on animal protein contributions to total proteins. As an example of the decreasing constraints, MOD2-55 imposed a maximum animal protein contribution of 55% of the total proteins. The horizontal black line indicates the protein intake level recommended for the subpopulation. Abbreviations: MOD2, model set #2; MOD2-NO, without model set #2; OBS, observed diets.