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. 2022 Sep 2;23(12):1815–1829. doi: 10.1111/mpp.13264


Summary of lipid transfer proteins identified in plants and their functions

Species Protein name Functions References
Arabidopsis thaliana SCP‐2 Edqvist et al. (2004)
LTP6 Chae et al. (2010)
LTP5 Pollen tube development Chae et al. (2009, 2010)
DIR1 Systemic acquired resistance Chanda et al. (2011), Maldonado et al. (2002)
DIR1‐like Systemic acquired resistance Champigny et al. (2013)
LTPg3, LTPg4 Pollen development Edstam and Edqvist (2014)
LTP3 Germination and seedling growth, freezing and drought stress Guo, Yang, et al. (2013), Pagnussat et al. (2015)
END1 Li, Lopato, et al. (2014)
AtLTP4.5 Biotic stress McLaughlin et al. (2015)
EARLI1 Systemic acquired resistance Cecchini et al. (2015)
AZI1 Systemic acquired resistance, salt stress Cecchini et al. (2015), Jung et al. (2009), Pitzschke et al. (2014)
LTPg15‐LTPg17, LTPg20, LTPg22, LTPg23, LTPg26, LTPg30 Edstam et al. (2013)
LTP1 Ethylene‐mediated signalling pathway, cell differentiation, embryo and shoot development Baroux et al. (2001), Potocka et al. (2012), Toonen et al. (1997), Wang et al. (2016),
AtLtpI‐4 Suberin formation of crown galls Deeken et al. (2016)
ACD11 Negative regulation of programmed cell death Brodersen et al. (2002, 2005), Simanshu et al. (2014), Zhai et al. (2017)
AtLTP2 Maintaining the integrity of cell wall Jacq et al. (2017)
LTPg15 Seed coat permeability Lee and Suh (2018)
LTPg6 Defence responses to fungi Fahlberg et al. (2019)
LTPg2 Defence responses to fungal cuticular wax export Fahlberg et al. (2019), Kim et al. (2012)
LTPg1 Defence responses to fungal cuticular wax export Debono et al. (2009), Fahlberg et al. (2019), Kim et al. (2012), Lee et al. (2009)
LTPg5 Defence responses to bacteria and fungi, seed development Ali et al. (2020), Edstam and Edqvist (2014), Fahlberg et al. (2019)
DRN1 Defence responses, salt stress Dhar et al. (2020)
AtLTP4.4 Antifungal, antioxidant McLaughlin et al. (2021)
LSR1 Regulate leaf senescence Feng et al. (2022)
Oryza sativa LTP Lee et al. (1998)
LTP‐2 Samue et al. (2002)
OsLTP5 Defence responses Kim et al. (2008)
OsDIL Drought stress, development Guo, Ge, et al. (2013)
Psd1 Growth and development Li, Xia, et al. (2014)
OsLTPL36 Seed development and germination Wang et al. (2015)
Ptd1 Growth and development Deng et al. (2020)
OsLTPL159 Cold tolerance Zhao et al. (2020)
OsLTPL94 Pollen wall development Tao et al. (2021)
OsC6 Pollen wall development, anther development Chen et al. (2022), Zhang et al. (2010)
OsLTP47 Pollen wall development Chen et al. (2022)
Triticum aestivum LTP1 Charvolin et al. (1999), Gincel et al. (1994)
AceAMP1 Defence responses, antifungal Roy‐Barman et al. (2006)
TaLtp9.1b, TaLTP9.2b‐TaLTP9.2d, TaLtp9.3a‐TaLtp9.3g, TaLtp9.4a‐TaLtp9.4c, TaLtp9.7a‐TaLtp9.7e, TaLTP7.1a‐TaLTP7.1c Boutrot et al. (2007,  2008)
TaLt10B6, TaBs108F7, TaLt10F9 Antifungal Sun et al. (2008)
Ltp3F1 Antifungal Kirubakaran et al. (2008)
TaPR60 Binding of lipid molecules Kovalchuk et al. (2009)
TaLTP5 Defence responses against fungi Zhu et al. (2012)
TaPR61 Kovalchuk et al. (2009)
TaDIR1‐2 Negative regulator in wheat resistance to fungi Ahmed et al. (2017)
Ms1 Pollen exine development Tucker et al. (2017)
TaLTP40, TaLTP75 Salt tolerance Hairat et al. (2018)
TaMs1 Pollen development Kouidri et al. (2018)
TaMs5‐A, TaMs5‐B Pollen exine development Pallotta et al. (2019)
TaLTP3 Defence responses against Puccinia triticina, thermotolerance and oxidative stress Wang et al. (2017), Zhao et al. (2021)
Euphorbia lagascae ElLTP1, EILT2P2 Programmed cell death Edqvist and Farbos (2002), Eklund and Edqvist (2003)
Malus pumila LTP3 Cuticle formation André et al. (2022)
Triticum durum TdPR61 Kovalchuk et al. (2012)
TdLTP4 Antimicrobial, abiotic and biotic stress Ben et al. (2021), Safi et al. (2015)
Pisum sativum PsLTP1 Binding abscisic acid Akhiyarova et al. (2021)
Artemisia annua AaLTP3, AaLTP4 Growth and development Adhikari et al. (2019)
Gossypium hirsutum GhLTPg1 Fibre elongation Deng et al. (2016)
GhnsLTPsA10 Defence responses against Verticillium wilt Chen et al. (2021)
Bassica napus BnLTP‐II Defence responses against Pseudomonas syringe pv. tomato Balmant et al. (2021)
BraLTP1 Epicuticular wax deposition and development Liu et al. (2014)
BraLTP2 Trichome development Tian et al. (2018)
Chrysanthemum morifolium DgnsLTP Cold tolerance Huang et al. (2021)
Solanum tuberosum StnsLTP1 Aiotic stresses Gangadhar et al. (2016)
StLTP10 Defence responses against Phytophthora infestans Wang et al. (2021)
Trachyspermum ammi nsLTP1 Nazeer et al. (2019)
Zea mays BETL9, BETL9‐like Royo et al. (2014)
Ms44 Dominant male sterility Fox et al. (2017)
Nicotiana benthamiana NbLTP1 Assists bamboo mosaic virus Bamboo mosaic virus accumulation Chiu et al. (2020)
Nicotiana tabacum TobLTP2 Cell wall extension Nieuwland et al. (2005)
NtLTP1‐NtLTP4 Promote monoterpene emission, lipid secretion from glandular trichomes, salt and drought stresses Choi et al. (2012), Hwang et al. (2020), Xu et al. (2018)
Triticosecale LTPc3a, LTPc3b Pollen wall development Zaidi et al. (2020)
Brassica rapa BrLTP2.1 Antifungal Schmitt et al. (2018)
Morinda citrifolia McLTP1 Antibacterial Souza et al. (2018)
Medicago truncatula MtN5 Rhizobium–host interaction Pii et al. (2009,2012)
Chelidonium majus CmLTP9.5 Antibacterial Nawrot et al. (2017)
Setaria italica SiLTP Salt and drought tolerance Pan et al. (2016)
Coffea canephora CcLTP2 Antimicrobial activity against pathogens Bard et al. (2016)
Coffea arabica CaLTP1a, CaLTP1b, CaLTP3a, CaLTP3b Cotta et al. (2014)
Panax ginseng pgLTP Antifungal Cai et al. (2016)
Cucumis sativus CsDIR1, CsDIR2 Systemic acquired resistance Isaacs et al. (2016)
Lotus japonicus LjLTP10 Drought stress, cutin formation Tapia et al. (2013)
Astragalus sinicus AsE246 Legume‐rhizobium symbiosis Lei et al. (2014)
Lens culinaris LcLTP2 Antimicrobia Gizatullina et al. (2013)
Helianthus annuus HaAP10 Seed germination Pagnussat et al. (2012)
Capsicum annuum CaLTP(1) Antifungal Diz et al. (2011)
CaMF2 Pollen development Chen et al. (2011)
CALTPI, CALTPII Local and systemic acquired resistance Sarowar et al. (2009)
Leonurus japonicus LJAMP2 Defence responses against fungi Jia et al. (2010)
Vitis vinifera VvLTP2‐VvLTP5 Defence responses against fungi Girault et al. (2008)
VvLTP1 Embryo development François et al. (2008)
Sesamum indicum SiLTP1‐SiLTP5 Choi et al. (2008)
Senecia squalidus SsLTP1 Osmotic constraints, cold acclimation Kielbowicz‐Matuk et al. (2008)
Vigna radiata Vrltp1, Vrltp2 Liu and Lin (2003)
Mb‐nsLTP1 Lin et al. (2005)
Physcomitrella patens PpLTPg2, PpLTPG8 Drought and cold stress Edstam and Edqvist (2014)
Hordeum vulgare HvLTP1.1‐HvLTP1.16, HvLTP2.1‐HvLTP2.5, HvLTPd1‐HvLTPd11, HvLTPg1‐HvLTPg8 Duo et al. (2021)
Ginkgo biloba Gb‐nsLTP1 Sawano et al. (2008)