Table 3.
Scientific name (family name) | Family | Local name | Part | Disease treated | Root of administration | The way the plant used | Way of preparation |
Arundo donax(Hudson) Link | Poaceae | Shembeko | St | Bone fracture | Topical | Dry/fresh | Dried or fresh stem is applied through the affected organ and tilled |
Rumex nepalensis Spreng | Polygonaceae | Tult | R | Loss of weight | Oral | Fresh | Crushed and then given to skinned cattle |
Ricinus communis L | Euphorbiaceae | Gulo | R | Sudden sickness | Oral | Fresh | The root pounded and mixed with cold water |
Nicotiana tabacum L | Solanaceae | Tinbaho | L | Leech | Oral | Fresh | The pounded leaf mixed with water, then given to drink |
Agave sisalana Perrine ex Engel | Agavaceae | Kacha | LX | Leech | Nasal | Fresh | Its latex is mixed with the pounded leaf of Plectranthus amboinicus, then the fluid is filtered and given to the cattle through nose |
Maytenus arbutifolia (A.Rich.) Wilezek |
Celastraceae | Atat | L | Parasites | Oral | Fresh | Leaf decoctions are used to treat external parasites in both domestic and wild animals |
Iusticia schimperiana Hochst. ex.Nees |
Acanthaceae | Sensel | Wh | Laxative | Oral | Dry | The entire plant is crushed, pounded, and then combined with water before being consumed |
Gossypium borbadense L | Malvaceae | Tit | L | Diarrhea | Oral | Fresh | Powdered and mixed with water and given to drunk |
Euphorbia abyssinica Gmel Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbiaceae | Kulkual | LX | Rinderpest | Inhalation | Dry | Fumigating the affected cattle |
Ficus carica L | Moraceae | Beles | L | Tail sore | Topical | Fresh | Latex of the plant applied on the tail sore /wound/ formed after operation |
Ficus vasta Forssk | Moraceae | Warka | Loss of weight | Oral | Fresh | The leaf is crushed and boiled before being fed to skinned cattle |
R root, L leaf, SB stem bark, Fr fruit, SD seed, Sh shoot, St stem, Wh whole plant, Br branches, Rh rhizome, Bu bulb, Lx latex