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. 2022 Nov 9;50:85. doi: 10.1186/s41182-022-00438-z

Table 3.

List of ethnoveterinary plants used to treat animal ailments in the study area

Scientific name (family name) Family Local name Part Disease treated Root of administration The way the plant used Way of preparation
Arundo donax(Hudson) Link Poaceae Shembeko St Bone fracture Topical Dry/fresh Dried or fresh stem is applied through the affected organ and tilled
Rumex nepalensis Spreng Polygonaceae Tult R Loss of weight Oral Fresh Crushed and then given to skinned cattle
Ricinus communis L Euphorbiaceae Gulo R Sudden sickness Oral Fresh The root pounded and mixed with cold water
Nicotiana tabacum L Solanaceae Tinbaho L Leech Oral Fresh The pounded leaf mixed with water, then given to drink
Agave sisalana Perrine ex Engel Agavaceae Kacha LX Leech Nasal Fresh Its latex is mixed with the pounded leaf of Plectranthus amboinicus, then the fluid is filtered and given to the cattle through nose

Maytenus arbutifolia

(A.Rich.) Wilezek

Celastraceae Atat L Parasites Oral Fresh Leaf decoctions are used to treat external parasites in both domestic and wild animals

Iusticia schimperiana

Hochst. ex.Nees

Acanthaceae Sensel Wh Laxative Oral Dry The entire plant is crushed, pounded, and then combined with water before being consumed
Gossypium borbadense L Malvaceae Tit L Diarrhea Oral Fresh Powdered and mixed with water and given to drunk

Euphorbia abyssinica Gmel


Euphorbiaceae Kulkual LX Rinderpest Inhalation Dry Fumigating the affected cattle
Ficus carica L Moraceae Beles L Tail sore Topical Fresh Latex of the plant applied on the tail sore /wound/ formed after operation
Ficus vasta Forssk Moraceae Warka Loss of weight Oral Fresh The leaf is crushed and boiled before being fed to skinned cattle

R root, L leaf, SB stem bark, Fr fruit, SD seed, Sh shoot, St stem, Wh whole plant, Br branches, Rh rhizome, Bu bulb, Lx latex