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. 2022 Oct 26;2:968327. doi: 10.3389/fbinf.2022.968327


List of the genomic regions enrichment analysis tools mentioned in this study. We report each tool’s name, its statistical methods for the p-value calculation, its distinctive traits, its web URL, its year, its reference, a field stating whether it is available as web tool, and a field indicating the name of its standalone software package. FDR: false discovery rate. α: The LOLA web server is called LOLAweb (Nagraj et al., 2018). g:SCS is the statistical method for adjusted p-value calculation employed by g:Profiler g:GOSt by default (g:Profiler g:GOSt, 2022). The article by Raudvere et al. (2019) refers to the latest update of g:Profiler; its original release and previous updates were described in past studies (Reimand et al., 200720112016Kolberg et al., 2020). The bottom table contains the lists of the supported organisms of the data for each tool.

tool Statistical methods Distinctive traits Web tool
BEHST g:SCS of g:Profiler g:GOSt Inclusion of long-range chromatin interactions Yes
g:Profiler g:GOSt g:SCS, Bonferroni correction Fast execution, easy web interface and publication-ready visualization results Yes
or Benjamini-Hochberg FDR
GREAT Binomial and hypergeometric tests Inclusion of distal genomic sites of binding events Yes
LOLA Fisher’s exact test
with FDR correction
Inclusion of transcription factors, histone modifications and DNase hypersensitivity annotations Yes α
Poly-Enrich Likelihood ratio test Optimized for narrow genomic regions and accounting for the strength of binding sites’ peaks Yes
ReactomePA Hyper-geometric tests Inclusion of molecular reactions and their pathways No
tool Web URL References softwarepackage
BEHST Chicco et al. (2019) behst
g:Profiler g:GOSt Raudvere et al. (2019) gprofiler2
GREAT McLean et al. (2010) rGREAT
LOLA Sheffield and Bock (2016) LOLA
Poly-Enrich Lee et al. (2020) chipenrich
ReactomePA Yu and He (2016) ReactomePA
tool Supported organisms
g:Profiler g:GOSt Human and 757 other species
GREAT Human, mouse
LOLA Human, mouse
Poly-Enrich Human, mouse, rat, D. melanogaster, D. zebrafish
ReactomePA Human, celegans, fly, mouse, rat, yeast, zebrafish