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. 2022 Oct 26;12:1024133. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.1024133

Table 4.

Other extracorporeal techniques can be available to reduce FLCs.

Reference Design Sample size Age (years) Male (%) Extracorporeal techniques FLC concentration at baseline (mg/L) Serum creatinine at baseline (μmol/L) Hemodialysis procedure Reduction of κ FLC Reduction of λ FLC
Santoro et al., 2013 (64) Pilot study/
7 77 14.3 PMMA 3,648 NA 4 h/session 1 PMMA a 27.7%
2 PMMA b 33.1%
1 PMMA a 15.2%
2 PMMA b 53.1%
Fabbrini et al., 2013 (26) Retrospective/cohort/
10 NA NA PMMA 1 PMMA 6,538
2 PMMA 7,925
NA 4 h/session 1 PMMA a 22.3%
2 PMMA b 31.0%
1 PMMA a 21.0%
2 PMMA b 53.1%
Sens et al., 2017 (65) Retrospective/cohort/
17 62 47.1 PMMA 4,220 485 Six 6-h sessions a week for a maximum of 3 weeks NA NA
Pendón-Ruiz et al., 2013 (66) Single-center 3 63 33.3 Supra-HFR κ 1,873.6
λ 160.4
NA 2 cases with three 4-h sessions a week and 1 case initially with 3-h session a day then a progressive reduction of sessions 53.8%–63.4% per session c 38% per session c
Pasquali et al., 2015 (24) Single-center 4 63 25 Supra-HFR 10,145 715.7 4 h/session for 8 consecutive days and then every 2 days 4.9–15.3ml/min c 3.2–11.5 ml/min c
Menè et al., 2018 (67) Pilot study/
6 61 50 Supra-HFR 6,910 972.4 5 consecutive sessions on alternate days, the first 2 sessions lasted 3 h and 4 h for the rest of 3 sessions 84.01% 69.3%
Li et al., 2018 (68) Single-center 3 NA NA Supra-HFR 1,130 NA Three 3.5-h sessions a week NA 32.2%–49.5%
Pendón-Ruiz et al., 2020 (69) Observational/Single-center 9 72 44.4 Supra-HFR κ 11,200
λ 1,313
750 The first two sessions last 2.5 h and 3 h, respectively; the remaining sessions last 4 h three times a week 57.6% 33.5%
Cazorla et al., 2020 (70) Single-center 3 72 66.7 MCO-HD 14,300 415.5 6 h/session 44.8% per session c NA

Abbreviations: NA, not available or could not obtain all of the participants’ detailed information; FLCs, free light chains; PMMA, polymethylmethacrylate; Supra-HFR, hemodiafiltration with ultrafiltrate regeneration by adsorption in resin; MCO-HD, medium-cutoff hemodialysis.

Age, FLC concentration, and serum creatinine are presented as the mean or median.


Data show that only one PMMA membrane was adopted in hemodialysis.


Data show replacement of the PMMA membrane at the midpoint of hemodialysis.


Data present the trend of FLC reduction.