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. 2022 Oct 26;9:1048409. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1048409

Table 6.

Feed intake, nutrient digestibility, diet nutritive values and nitrogen (N) balance of adult Farafra rams fed with diets containing date palm leaves treated with different probiotics.

Diet1 SEM P value
Intake (g/d) 1622 1614 1618 1622 18.2 0.888
Nutrient digestibility (g digested/kg ingested)
Dry matter 547c 590a 557c 577b 10.7 0.021
Organic matter 601c 650a 639ab 642a 1.4 0.003
Crude protein 611b 650a 632b 639b 2.5 0.011
Ether extract 858 894 864 886 3.2 0.748
Nonstructural carbohydrates 679b 742a 741a 737a 3.6 0.012
Neutral detergent fiber 516b 589a 524b 571a 5.7 0.032
Nutritive values
Digestible crude protein 97.1c 103.2a 100.3c 101.4b 0.2 0.011
TDN (g/kg DM)2 604c 653a 622c 647b 4.2 0.013
DE (Mcal/kg DM)2 2.66c 2.88a 2.74c 2.85b 0.031 0.010
ME (Mcal/kg DM)2 2.69c 2.91a 2.77c 2.88b 0.020 0.011
UFL (Mcal/kg DM)3 2.39c 2.60a 2.47c 2.58b 0.024 0.013
Nitrogen (N) utilization (g/day)
Total N intake 41.2 41 41.1 41.2 1.49 0.914
Fecal N 16.3a 14.4b 14.8b 14.9b 0.44 0.041
Urinary N 0.93 0.555
N balance 18.2b 19.9a 19.6a 19.8a 0.49 0.031

Means in the same row with different superscripts differ at P < 0.05. P-value is the observed significance level of the F-test for diet; SEM, standard error of the mean.

1Diet: Control diet contained 700 g of concentrate feed mixture and 300 g of date palm leaves without additives or supplemented with Bacillofort (BAC treatment), Lacotpro (LAC treatment) or ZAD (ZAD treatment) probiotics.

2TDN = total digestible nutrients, DE = Digestible energy, ME = Metabolizable energy. All have been calculated according to NRC (26) equation.

3UFL = unité fourragère du lait (net energy requirements for lactation equivalent of 1 kg of standard air-dry barley) calculated according to INRA (27) equation.