Description and Source of All Variables Included in Analysis
Variable Type | Variable | Source |
Infection exposure | SARS-CoV-2 infection history | VirusWatch baseline survey “Have you ever had a positive swab test for COVID-19?”VirusWatch testing of symptomatic participants and contacts Participants were asked to submit a nose/throat swab if they experienced 2 consecutive days of COVID-19-related symptoms, with household member testing in a subset of participants (see Supplementary file 1 for further detail).VirusWatch laboratory testing sub-cohort; SARS-CoV-2 IgG testing See supplemental file 1 for information on serology testingData Linkage to NHS Digital or SGSS NHS Digital linked the VirusWatchcohort to SARS-CoV-2 tests collected in the community(the “Pillar 2” dataset) and hospitals (the Second Generation Surveillance System [SGSS] dataset) |
Outcome | Persistent symptoms | February 2021 and May 2021 monthly surveys “In the last year (since February 2020) have any of the household members experienced any new symptoms that have lasted for four or more weeks even if these symptoms come and go, and that are not explained by something else (eg, pre-existing chronic illness or pregnancy)?” (response: yes/no)Weekly surveys; Symptoms reported over ≥4 weeks “Have you or anyone in the household had any of these symptoms in the past week?”(response: yes/no) |
Persistent symptom types | February 2021 and May 2021 monthly surveys “Please pick all of the new symptoms that you have experienced for four or more weeks. These are new symptoms that you experienced for four or more weeks in the last year and that are not explained by something else (e.g. pre-existing chronic illness or pregnancy)” |
Persistent symptoms affecting daily activities | February 2021 and May 2021 monthly surveys “Did your symptoms make it more difficult to:Go to/participate in work or education?,Concentrate on things (e.g. reading, watching TV)?,Take care of yourself (e.g. wash, dress, and feed yourself)?,Take care of others in the household?,Do necessary daily activities outside the house (e.g. shopping)?, orDo activities that you enjoy (e.g. hobbies)?” (response for each: Yes a lot, Yes a little, Not at all, N/A) |
Start and end date of persistent symptoms | February 2021 and May 2021 monthly surveys “Approximately when did this symptom first appear?”, “Is it still ongoing?”, and if not ongoing “Approximately when did this symptom first stop?”Weekly surveys; Symptoms reported over ≥4 weeks “Which days did you have symptoms?” |
Covariates | Age | Baseline survey Calculated from date of birth |
Gender | Baseline survey “At birth you were described as?” (response: male, female, intersex, prefer not to say) |
Socio-economic deprivation | Baseline survey Indices of multiple deprivation (IMD) mapped to postcode at residence |
Long-term conditions or medications | Baseline survey “Has a doctor or other health professional ever told you that you have any of the following conditions?” (Select from list of long-term conditions, including “other”)“Which of the following medicines do you take?” (Select from list of medications) |