Fig. 4. Regional energy efficiency differences between patients with TLE and HCs.
(A) We estimated the minimal control energy (MCE) consumption of each region during all transitions between the brain states defined by ICNs. In the hemisphere ipsilateral to the seizure focus, we found significantly higher energy consumption in patients with TLE than in HC among several temporolimbic regions. (B) We then estimated the MCE consumption of each region during transitions between 100,000 pairs of initial [x(0)] and final states [x(T)] with randomly generated activity magnitudes. Concordant results were found, showing that the patients needed significantly higher control energy in the ipsilateral temporolimbic regions. The boxplots depict the deviation scores (Z) of energy consumption of patients with TLE in reference to HC. Only regions with significant group differences after multiple comparison corrections are displayed, including the isthmus of the cingulate gyrus (Isthmuscingulate), fusiform gyrus (Fusiform), temporal pole (Temporalpole), inferior temporal gyrus (Inferiortemporal), parahippocampal gyrus (Parahippocampal), amygdala, and hippocampus.