Fig. 2. Characterization of the ε-PLE@MnCoO/Gel hydrogel.
a Sol-gel transition of the ε-PLE@MnCoO/Gel hydrogel. b Injectability of the ε-PLE@MnCoO/Gel hydrogel. c SEM image of the lyophilized ε-PLE@MnCoO/Gel hydrogel and corresponding elemental mapping of the synthesized hydrogel. A representative image of three replicates from each group is shown. d G’ and G” values of hydrogels containing different concentrations of polymer. Data are presented as mean values ± SD (n = 3 independent samples). e Evolution of the G’ and G” values over time for the ε-PLE@MnCoO/Gel hydrogel. f Dependence of the G’ and G” values over strain for the ε-PLE@MnCoO/Gel hydrogel. g Step strain measurements of the ε-PLE@MnCoO/Gel hydrogel with a fixed frequency of 10 rad s−1. Each strain interval was kept as 100 s. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.