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. 2022 Oct 20;25(11):105402. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105402

ETV1 ThermoFisher cat# PA589150; RRID:AB_2805388
SCN5a ThermoFisher cat# MA1-27429; RRID:AB_1090515
IRX3 ThermoFisher cat# PA5-111549; RRID:AB_2856959
PCP4 ThermoFisher cat# 14705-1-AP; RRID:AB_2878075
Alexa 488 ThermoFisher cat# A32731; RRID:AB_2633280
Alexa 594 ThermoFisher cat# A-21044; RRID:AB_2535713

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

DMEM/F12 SigmaAldrich cat# D6434-500ML
Glutamax Gibco cat# 35050061
FBS Gibco cat# 10082147
2-mercaptoethanol Gibco cat# 31350010
Anti-anti Gibco cat#15240096
mTeSRTM1 basal medium StemCell Technologies cat# 85850
hESC-qualified Matrigel Corning cat# 354277
Accutase StemCell Technologies cat# 07920
Y-27632 StemCell Technologies cat# 72302
STEMdiffTM Cardiomyocyte Dissociation Kit StemCell Technologies cat# 05025
TrueCutTM Cas9 v2 Invitrogen cat# A36497
Lipofectamine™ CRISPRMAX™ Cas9 Transfection Reagent Life Technologies cat# CMAX00001
Blasticidin Gibco cat# A1113902
Rolipram SigmaAldrich cat# R6520-10MG
Forskolin SigmaAldrich cat# F3917-10MG
CHIR99021 SigmaAldrich cat# 361571-5MG
SB431542 SigmaAldrich cat# 616464-5MG
Valproic acid SigmaAldrich cat# P4543-10G
RG108 SigmaAldrich cat# R8279-10MG
Parnate SigmaAldrich cat# 616431-500MG
Resveratrol SigmaAldrich cat# R5010-100MG
Retinoic Acid SigmaAldrich cat# R2625-500MG
Neuregulin StemCell Technologies cat# 78071.1
Epinephrine SigmaAldrich cat# E4250-5G
NeurobasalTM Gibco cat# 12348017
KnockOutTM Serum Replacement Gibco cat# 10828010
B-27TM supplement minus vitamin A Gibco cat# 12587010
N-2 supplement Gibco cat# 17502048
Trypsin-EDTA Gibco cat# 25200056
Fibrinogen SigmaAldrich cat# F8630
Thrombin SigmaAldrich T4648-10KU
D-PBS Gibco cat# 14190144
6-aminocaproic acid Sigma Aldrich cat# A2504
SILAC DMEM Flex Media, no glucose, no phenol red Gibco cat# A2493901
L-Glutamine Gibco cat# 25030081
MEM Non Essential Amino Acids Gibco cat# 11140050
Sodium DL Lactate SigmaAldrich cat# L4263-100ML
STEMdiffTM Cardiomyocyte Support Medium StemCell Technologies cat# 05027
Papain from Carica papaya SigmaAldrich cat# 76216-50MG
PierceTM 16% Formaldehyde (w/v), methanol free ThermoScientific cat# 28908
Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich cat# X100-100ML
10% Normal Goat Serum ThermoFisher cat# 50062Z
DAPI solution ThermoScientific cat# 62248
DEPC-treated water Invitrogen cat# AM9906
PowerTrackTM SYBR Green Master Mix Applied Biosystems cat# A46109
Di-4-ANEPPS Invitrogen cat#D1199

Critical commercial assays

STEMdiffTM Cardiomyocyte Maintenance Kit StemCell Technologies cat# 05020
TrueTagTM DNA Donor System Life Technologies cat# A42992
STEMdiffTM Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Kit StemCell Technologies cat# 05010
Quick-RNA Microprep kit Zymo Research cat# R1050
RNA Clean & Concentrator-5 Zymo Research cat# R1013
High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcriptase kit Applied Biosystems cat# 4368814

Deposited data

Raw RNA-seq data Day 4 and Day 7 – PURK cocktail This paper –Also shared in Figshare

Experimental models: Cell lines

AC16-Cardiomyocytes SigmaAldrich cat# SCC109
Human iPSCs derived from cardiac fibroblasts ATCC cat# ATCC-CYS0105


Homology arms specific to CNTN2 Life Technologies This paper
Homology arms specific to ACTB Life Technologies This paper
Custom TrueGuideTM gRNA for CNTN2 Life Technologies This paper
Custom TrueGuideTM gRNA for ACTB Life Technologies This paper
GAPDH Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP205798
CX40 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP208435
CX43 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP200150
ETV1 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP208189
CNTN2 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP208284
HCN2 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP205124
HCN4 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP208604
MEF2C Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP206089
ACHE Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP231855
TBX3 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP231811
TBX5 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP200177
SCN5a Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP234325
IRX3 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP214795
GATA6 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP208427
NKX2-5 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP207706
PCP2 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP218542
PCP4 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP209183
TUBB3 Human qPCR Primer Pair OriGene cat# HP209096
OLIG2 Human qPCR Primer Pair Life Technologies Watson et al. (2018)
SKOR2 Human qPCR Primer Pair Life Technologies Watson et al. (2018)
LHX5 Human qPCR Primer Pair Life Technologies Watson et al. (2018)

Recombinant DNA

Custom mCherry-puromycin vector DNA template Life Technologies This paper

Software and algorithms

MATLAB Mathworks
IncuCyte ZOOM Sartorius
GraphPad Prism GraphPad
NIS Elements software v4.13 Nikon Instruments
Fluoview Software Olympus
HeatMapper Babicki et al. (2016)
ElectroMap O’Shea et al. (2019a)