3Rs |
Replacement - with other species or non-animal methods |
Russell and Burch, 1959 |
Reduction - fewest animals necessary |
Refinement - use the most refined approach |
3Ss |
Good Science - reduce variation using effective techniques and fewest subjects |
Carol Newton (Smith and Hawkins, 2016) |
Good Sense - the correct animal used for the correct reason (valid and translatable model) |
Good Sensibilities - reduce likelihood of the animal experiencing “contingent suffering" |
3Vs (Validities) |
Construct Validity - is the animal valid for the scientific objective? |
Eggel and Würbel, 2021; Würbel, 2017
Internal Validity - is the approach and protocol appropriately designed? |
External Validity - will the work generalize to other animals or humans based on its purpose? |
4Fs (Fundamental principles) |
1. Biomedical research principle - statement on the need for biomedical research |
Tannenbaum, 2017 |
2. Animal research principle - statement on the requirement for the animal research |
3. Medical research with human subjects - statement on the limitations of human research |
4. Animal research aims - minimize pain or distress to the animals |
6Ps (Principles) |
Principle 1 - no alternative method |
Beauchamp and DeGrazia, 2019 |
Principle 2 - expected net benefit |
Principle 3 - sufficient value to justify harm |
Principle 4 - no unnecessary harm |
Principle 5 - animal basic needs |
Principle 6 - upper limits to harm |