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. 2021 Dec 23;149(1):e2021050353. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-050353


US Children Who Were Insured at Time of Survey, Consistently Insured, Adequately Insured, and Adequately and Continuously Insured in 2016–2019, by Child and Family Characteristics

Characteristic Overall 2016–2019, Weighted n (Column %) Insured at Time of Survey, Weighted n (Row %) Consistently Insured Over Past Year, Weighted n (Row %) Adequate Insurance Coverage, Weighted n (Row %) Adequately and Continuously Insured, Weighted n (Row %)
All Children 73 335 159 68 292 897 (93.6) 66 395 741 (91.5) 50 269 452 (73.7) 49 323 573 (67.6)
Child health complexity *** *** *** ***
 Non-CSHCN 59 518 364 (81.2) 55 076 827 (93.1) 53 615 174 (91.1) 41 369 384 (75.3) 40 643 461 (68.7)
 Less complex CSHCN 4 041 891 (5.5) 3 894 653 (96.8) 3 775 255 (93.9) 2 802 922 (72.0) 2 730 904 (67.8)
 More complex CSHCN 9 774 904 (13.3) 9 321 416 (95.8) 9 005 312 (92.7) 6 097 147 (65.5) 5 949 208 (61.1)
Child insurance type *** *** *** ***
 Public only 22 207 679 (30.8) 22 207 679 (100.0) 21 079 072 (95.2) 19 531 920 (88.0) 18 812 197 (84.7)
 Private only 41 709 803 (57.8) 41 709 803 (100.0) 41 086 339 (98.5) 27 634 250 (66.3) 27 430 137 (65.8)
 Public and private 3 289 876 (4.6) 3 289 876 (100.0) 3 186 818 (97.0) 2 327 670 (70.8) 2 274 884 (69.2)
 Uninsured 4 941 778 (6.8)
Household income (% FPL) *** *** *** ***
 <100 14 813 702 (20.2) 13 281 414 (89.7) 12 763 543 (86.2) 12 275 966 (82.9) 10 662 984 (72.0)
 100–199 15 987 064 (21.8) 14 625 562 (91.5) 14 105 861 (88.2) 12 449 380 (77.9) 11 032 268 (69.0)
 200–399 20 093 833 (27.4) 18 925 350 (94.2) 18 482 126 (92.0) 13 635 863 (67.9) 12 565 035 (62.5)
 ≥400 22 440 558 (30.6) 21 832 021 (97.3) 21 709 996 (96.7) 15 822 440 (70.5) 15 307 871 (68.2)
Child age, y *** P = .008 *** ***
 0–5 23 617 969 (32.2) 22 269 560 (94.7) 21 598 631 (92.3) 17 197 874 (77.3) 16 840 790 (71.6)
 6–11 24 767 317 (33.8) 23 058 945 (93.7) 22 400 281 (91.4) 16 869 650 (73.2) 16 523 944 (67.1)
 12–17 24 949 873 (34.0) 22 964 391 (92.6) 22 396 829 (90.7) 16 201 928 (70.7) 15 958 839 (64.3)
Sex P = .92 P = .95 P = .72 P = .87
 Male 37 481 907 (51.1) 34 891 514 (93.6) 33 907 009 (91.5) 25 647 704 (73.6) 25 186 092 (67.5)
 Female 35 853 252 (48.9) 33 401 383 (93.7) 32 488 732 (91.4) 24 621 748 (73.8) 24 137 481 (67.6)
Child race and ethnicity *** *** *** ***
 Hispanic 18 397 567 (25.1) 16 509 175 (90.3) 15 850 946 (86.9) 12 448 279 (75.5) 12 090 075 (66.1)
 White, non-Hispanic 37 321 140 (50.9) 35 440 993 (95.3) 34 739 935 (94.0) 25 230 036 (71.3) 24 913 996 (67.0)
 Black, non-Hispanic 9 676 323 (13.2) 8 902 309 (93.0) 8 538 975 (89.4) 7 114 405 (80.1) 6 920 203 (72.2)
 Other/multiracial 7 940 128 (10.8) 7 440 419 (94.3) 7 265 885 (92.6) 5 476 733 (73.8) 5 399 299 (68.4)
Child born in the United States *** *** *** ***
 Yes 69 851 327 (95.9) 65 498 818 (94.1) 63 718 738 (92.0) 48 322 331 (73.9) 47 404 133 (68.1)
 No 2 974 936 (4.1) 2 459 516 (83.7) 2 355 164 (80.2) 1 707 765 (69.5) 1 666 146 (56.5)
Family structure *** *** *** ***
 Two parents, married 46 654 132 (65.5) 43 995 208 (94.5) 43 054 521 (93.0) 31 323 468 (71.3) 30 822 219 (66.2)
 Two parents, not married 6 260 099 (8.8) 5 758 147 (92.6) 5 532 636 (89.2) 4 453 946 (77.5) 4 350 188 (69.9)
 Single parent 13 514 839 (19.0) 12 464 674 (92.7) 11 948 384 (89.0) 9 567 481 (76.9) 9 287 398 (69.0)
 Grandparent 2 233 051 (3.1) 2 020 144 (92.1) 1 953 468 (89.9) 1 724 926 (85.6) 1 702 588 (77.4)
 Other 2 574 627 (3.6) 2 278 334 (89.8) 2 174 180 (86.2) 1 878 267 (82.5) 1 819 192 (71.6)
Highest parental educational attainment *** *** *** ***
 Less than high school 6 722 963 (9.2) 5 362 123 (80.9) 5 130 744 (78.4) 4 382 877 (81.8) 4 248 852 (64.0)
 High school 14 026 904 (19.1) 12 682 702 (91.0) 12 178 549 (87.8) 10 142 135 (80.1) 9 852 003 (70.6)
 Some college 16 092 256 (21.9) 15 083 016 (94.2) 14 518 078 (90.9) 11 171 538 (74.2) 10 886 095 (67.9)
 College or more 35 845 273 (48.9) 34 601 515 (96.8) 34 015 345 (95.5) 24 152 357 (69.9) 23 899 286 (66.9)

In all analyses, we used person-level and survey-year weights provided by the NSCH to generate estimates of population size and prevalence; —, not applicable.


P < .001 in χ2 analysis.