Western immunoblot analysis of antibodies against P. aeruginosa serogroup 1. Cell extracts were prepared from P. aeruginosa ATCC 33348. Blots were developed with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated monoclonal antihuman antibodies (Sigma A-2064) or with alkaline-phosphatase-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse antibodies (Zymed no. 61-6522). Lanes: 1, marker (Sigma wide range, B-2787); 2 and 3, preimmune serum and serum obtained from volunteer 4 in group 2 after the third vaccination; 4 and 5, preimmune serum and serum obtained from volunteer 4 in group 3 after the third vaccination; 6 and 7, preimmune serum and serum obtained from volunteer 3 in group 4 after the third vaccination; 8 and 9, preimmune serum and serum obtained from volunteer 5 in group 4 after the third vaccination; 10 and 11, mouse monoclonal antibodies against OprF (epitope D5); 12, mouse monoclonal antibodies against OprI (2-A1).