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. 2022 Jul 11;2(7):616–623. doi: 10.1158/2767-9764.CRC-22-0137


Summary of statistical analysis of in vivo studies

Models Rova-T dose N Na KM Med (days) EFS T − C (days) EFS T/C P minRTV Mean SD (cm3)* Median response FPKM Modified H score
COG-N-452x 0.6 mg/kg 9 9 >42.0 >32.8 >4.55 P < 0.001 0.087 ± 0.121 CR 9.8 190.0
0.3 mg/kg 9 9 37.8 28.5 4.09 P < 0.001 1.014 ± 0.626 PD2
Felix-PDX 0.6 mg/kg 10 10 >41 >33.5 >5.45 P < 0.001 0.145 ± 0.121 PR 9.3 292.5
COG-N-519x 0.6 mg/kg 10 10 33.4 25.9 4.46 P < 0.001 0.696 ± 0.833 SD 4.9 300.0
0.3 mg/kg 10 10 15.8 8.3 2.11 P < 0.001 2.003 ± 0.697 PD2
COG-N-415x 0.6 mg/kg 10 10 20.6 12.3 2.49 P = 0.001 0.973 ± 0.840 PD2 16.2 230.0
0.3 mg/kg 10 10 9.5 1.2 1.15 P = 0.370 1.619 ± 0.756 PD1
COG-N-415x 1 mg/kg 8 8 42.3 37.2 8.19 P = 0.015 1.027 ± 1.685 PR 16.2 230.0
1 mg/kg (x3) 8 8 61.5 56.3 11.89 P < 0.001 0.159 ± 0.430 CR
COG-N-424x 0.6 mg/kg 2 2 22.7 18.7 5.64 P = 0.102 0.747 ± 0.837 SD 19.5 255.0
SH-SY5Y 0.6 mg/kg 2 2 >36 >31.5 >8.08 P = 0.157 0.363 ± 0.514 SD N/A N/A
COG-N-421x 0.6 mg/kg 2 2 >20 >13.3 >2.97 P = 0.102 0.468 ± 0.094 SD 8.2 182.5
0.1 mg/kg 2 2 8 1.3 1.19 P = 1.000 2.825 ± 0.676 PD1
KWK-6062x 0.6 mg/kg 2 2 38.4 15.1 1.65 P = 0.102 0.581 ± 0.138 PD2 N/A 11.3
0.1 mg/kg 2 2 25.5 2.2 1.09 P = 0.102 0.850 ± 0.224 PD1
SK-N-AS 0.6 mg/kg 2 2 11.6 −2.1 0.85 P = 1.000 0.943 ± 0.781 PD2 N/A 0.0
0.1 mg/kg 2 2 14.3 0.6 1.04 P = 1.000 1.298 ± 0.609 PD1
NB-FLY-623m 0.6 mg/kg 2 2 >28 >13 >1.87 P = 0.102 0.804 ± 0.286 PD1 6.1 37.5
0.1 mg/kg 2 2 18.2 3.2 1.21 P = 0.450 1.225 ± 0.420 PD1

Abbreviations: CR, complete response, disappearance of measurable tumor mass during study period; EFS T − C, difference in median time-to-event (days) between T and C groups; EFS T/C, ratio of median time-to-event (days) between T and C groups; KM Med, Kaplan–Meier estimate of median time-to-event (days); Median response, median response evaluation.; N, total number of mice entering experiment; Na, number of mice in analysis; PD, progressive disease, <50% tumor regression throughout study and >25% tumor growth at end of study; PD1, when PD (progressive disease) and the mouse's time to event ≤200% the Kaplan–Meier median time-to-event in control group; PD2, when PD but, additionally, time-to-event is > 200% of the Kaplan-Meier median time-to-event in control group; PR, partial response, ≥50% tumor regression at any point during study but measurable tumor throughout study period.

* minRTV Mean values shown with standard deviations.