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. 2022 Nov 10;2022(11):CD005955. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005955.pub3

Abizanda 2011.

Study characteristics
Methods Design: RCT
Baseline time point (T1): first 48 hours of admission
Outcome time point (T2): day of discharge from hospital
Participants Inclusion criteria: aged 65 years; admitted for an acute medical illness or exacerbation of a previous chronic condition; either participant or legal representative provided informed consent
Exclusion criteria: none
Exercise arm
  • n at baseline: 198

  • Age mean: 83.3 (SD 6.5) years

  • Women (n (%)): 112 (56.6)

  • Barthel Index (0–100) on admission: 27.4 (23.4)

  • Confusion on admission – CAM (n (%)): 70 (35.3)

Control arm
  • n at baseline: 202

  • Age mean: 83.7 (SD 6.1) years

  • Women (n (%)): 115 (56.9)

  • Barthel Index (0–100) on admission: 31.8 (25.6)

  • Confusion on admission – CAM (n (%)): 48 (24)

Interventions Exercise arm
  • TIDieR item 1: (brief name: provide the name or a phrase that describes the intervention): OT intervention + usual care.

  • TIDieR item 2: (why: describe any rationale, theory, or goal of the elements essential to the intervention): OT intervention could improve functional outcomes on an acute geriatric unit.

  • TIDieR item 3: (what (materials): describe any physical or informational materials used in the intervention, including those provided to participants or used in intervention delivery or in training of intervention providers): see item 4.

  • TIDieR item 4: (what (procedures): describe each of the procedures, activities or processes (or a combination) used in the intervention, including any enabling or support activities): day 1: OT assessment including instruction of the primary carer in patient mobilisation techniques. Day 2 until discharge: delivery of therapeutic plan (tailored to individual) may include: cognitive stimulation; instructions to family re. prevention of hospital‐associated complications; retraining in ADLs (including mobility practice). Day of discharge: as day 2 to discharge with additional 30‐minute session including: instructions to relatives/carers; assessment of technical aids; recommendations for patient maintenance/increased independence.

  • TIDieR item 5: (who provided: for each category of intervention provider (e.g. psychologist, nursing assistant), describe their expertise, background and any specific training given): occupational therapist, trained by specialist geriatric therapist and by unit geriatricians.

  • TIDieR item 6: (how: describe the modes of delivery (such as face‐to‐face or by some other mechanism, such as Internet or telephone) of the intervention and whether it was provided individually or in a group): individually and face‐to‐face with participant and relative or carer.

  • TIDieR item 7: (where: describe the type(s) of location(s) where the intervention occurred, including any necessary infrastructure or relevant features): acute geriatric unit.

  • TIDieR item 8: (when and how much: describe the number of times the intervention was delivered and over what period of time including the number of sessions, their schedule, and their duration, intensity or dose): approximately 1 hour to formulate therapeutic plan on day 1. From day 2 until discharge, 45 minutes sessions; day of discharge 30 minutes. Mean of 5 sessions per inpatient stay. Included 10 minutes of cognitive therapy; 30 minutes retraining of ADL and approximately 5 minutes family/carer education.

  • TIDieR item 9: (tailoring: if the intervention was planned to be personalised, titrated or adapted, then describe what, why, when and how): personalised according to need based on assessment day 1.

  • TIDieR item 10: (modifications: if the intervention was modified during the course of the study, describe the changes (what, why, when and how)): not specified.

  • TIDieR item 11: (how well (planned): if intervention adherence or fidelity was assessed, describe how and by whom, and if any strategies were used to maintain or improve fidelity, describe them): not specified.

  • TIDieR item 12: (how well (actual): if intervention adherence or fidelity was assessed, describe the extent to which the intervention was delivered as planned): all participants received the treatment to which they were allocated. Mean number of OT sessions: 5.

Control arm
  • TIDieR item 1: usual care.

  • TIDieR item 2: not specified.

  • TIDieR item 3: not specified.

  • TIDieR item 4: during hospitalisation, all participants received medical treatment, nursing care, PT, and social assistance in accordance with the usual practice of the unit. Participants were treated as per usual by a geriatrician who prescribed and adjusted the pharmacological and non‐pharmacological treatment daily from admission to discharge. Physiotherapy was indicated as per usual, when the geriatrician considered appropriate, to participants in both trial arms. No other physical or cognitive therapy was administered to usual care participants.

  • TIDieR item 5: geriatrician‐led usual care; PT as appropriate.

  • TIDieR item 6: not specified.

  • TIDieR item 7: acute geriatric unit.

  • TIDieR item 8: not specified.

  • TIDieR item 9: as item 4.

  • TIDieR item 10: not specified.

  • TIDieR item 11: not specified.

  • TIDieR item 12: all participants received the treatment to which they were allocated.

Outcomes Barthel Index (score of 0–100) at T2
Incidence of delirium during hospitalisation
Falls during hospitalisation
Mortality during hospitalisation
Musculoskeletal injuries during hospitalisation
Length of hospital stay
Notes Participants randomised to intervention group were admitted for stroke more often than the control group (19.7% with intervention vs 7.9% with control; P < 0.01) and presented greater ambulation‐dependence on admission (57.9% with intervention vs 41.8% with control; P < 0.01).