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. 2020 Oct 28;29(158):190187. doi: 10.1183/16000617.0187-2019


Characteristics of patients harbouring MARS mutations

Van Meel [ 30 ] Hadchouel [ 31, 32 ] Sun [ 33 ] Rips [ 34 ] Abuduxikuer [ 35 ] Alzaid [ 36 ]
Mutations# and location on the protein structure F370L/I523T
Subjects 1 male, age 1 month 15 males and 7 female, age 2.8 (0.5–72) months
3 males and 1 female, ages 2 (1–2.5) months
1 male, age 10 months
1 male and 1 female, age 3.6 years and 3.9 years
2 males, age 1 month 1 male, neonatal period 1 female, age 5 months 1 male, neonatal period
Country USA Réunion, n=22
Comoros n=4
Caucasian/Réunion n=1
Tunisia n=2
China Israel from Jewish Moroccan/Tunisian/Persian descent China Saudi Arabia
Lung involvement ILD PAP ILD, fibrosis ILD with foamy macrophages ILD, compatible with PAP on chest CT scan, no BAL PAP
Other features FTT, HMG, cholestasis, liver failure, hypothyroidism, anaemia, hypotonia, developmental delay, acidosis, aminoaciduria FTT, HMG, cholestasis, anaemia, inflammation with hyperleukocytosis, thrombocytosis, and high IgG level, hypoalbuminaemia FTT, anaemia HMG, liver failure, acidosis, hypotonia, developmental delay Anaemia, hypothyroidism, HMG, cholestasis, liver failure, developmental delay, aminoaciduria FTT, cholestasis, liver failure, HMG, inflammation, anaemia, thrombocytosis, hyperleukocytosis, prolonged fever, kidney stones, developmental delay, acetabular dysplasia FTT, intermittent fever, hypotonia, HMG, hypoglycaemia, hypothyroidism, anaemia, thrombopenia
Last follow-up Age 3.5 years, stable on TPN and nasal oxygen Death: n=13, 1.5 (0.4–25.2) years
Asymptomatic: n=6, 6.3 (4.2–18.1) years
Symptomatic no oxygen: n=2, 5.2 and 22.3 years
CRF+: n=8, 10.6 (1.1–24.9) years
Death: n=1 at 9 months
Stable: n=1 at 4.2 years
Age 1 year, improvement under methionine supplementation Death at 11 months Death at 6 months
Functional studies Reduced aminoacylation activity, normal association with MSC Reduced aminoacylation activity, normal association with MSC None Growth arrest in mutated yeast None None

Data are presented as median (min–max), unless otherwise stated. CAT: catalytic domain; ABD: anticodon-binding domain; PBD: protein-binding domain; ILD: interstitial lung disease; CT: computed tomography; PAP: pulmonary alveolar proteinosis; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; FTT: failure to thrive; HMG: hepatomegaly; Ig immunoglobulin; MSC: multiaminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex; TPN: total parenteral nutrition; CRF: chronic respiratory failure. #: protein nomenclature is given; : no imaging or pathological data given; +: chronic respiratory failure with oxygen therapy either continuous, nocturnal or on exertion.