Figure 2.
Sensitivity and specificity forest plots of sepsis International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) codes. Forest plots of the sensitivity (5 studies; A) and specificity (3 studies; B) of sepsis ICD-10 codes compared with the reference standard of detailed chart review and/or registry databases. a = A41.0, b = implicit abstraction for severe sepsis, c = explicit abstraction with organ dysfunction codes for severe sepsis, d = R code (R65.0, R65.1, R57.2) abstraction for sepsis, e = R code (R65.1, R57.2) abstraction for severe sepsis, f = explicit abstraction for sepsis, g = diagnosis-based code categories in emergency department information system, h = diagnosis-based code categories in hospital mortality data system, i = optimized coding algorithm for ICU sepsis, j = optimized coding algorithm for ICU severe sepsis, k = optimized coding algorithm for non-ICU sepsis, l = CIHI coding algorithm for ICU severe sepsis, m = CIHI coding algorithm for ICU sepsis, n = Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) coding algorithm for non-ICU Sepsis, o = septicemia, p = sepsis and septicemia.