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. 2022 Oct 17;75(Suppl 3):S392–S401. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac536

Table 8.

Hospital Length of Stay for Adult Survivors Reported to be Hospitalized for Anthrax by Meningitis Status, Route of Infection, Systemic Criteria, and Treatment During First 2 Days of Hospitalizationa, 1940–2018

Localized Cutaneousb,c
(N = 93 [89 Survivors])
Systemic (Without Meningitis)b,d
(N = 136 [106 Survivors])
With Meningitis
(N = 46 [8 Survivors])
Length of Stay Length of Stay Length of Stay
Treatment Median (N) IQR Median (N) IQR Median (N) IQR
Nonee 6 (1) 9 (3) 8–12 - (-)
1 Abx classf 11 (28) 8–14 14 (27) 8–20 43 (3) 14–56
2 Abx classes 23 (3) 5–31 28 (9) 18–61 - (-)
≥3 Abx classes 10 (2) 6–14 19 (14) 11–30 16 (3) 8–21
Antiserumg - (-) 14 (1) - (-)
Antiserum and 1 Abx class 17 (8) 15–22 - (-) 21 (1)
Antiserum and ≥ 2 Abx classes - (-) 38 (5) 31–42 - (-)
Bactericidal(s) 11 (25) 8–14 15 (31) 9–22 30 (4) 15–50
PSI(s) 12 (4) 8–16 18 (2) 12–23 - (-)
Bactericidal(s) and PSI(s) 10 (4) 6–19 17 (22) 13–31 10 (3) 8–21

Abbreviations: Abx, antimicrobial; IQR, interquartile range; PSI, protein synthesis inhibitor(s).


Treatments in this table refer to antimicrobials, antitoxin/antiserum, or a combination of both. Each line is the length of hospital stay for survivors on that treatment only (eg, “single antimicrobial” means that they received a single antimicrobial and they did not receive antitoxin/antiserum. “Bactericidal(s)” means that they received 1 or more bactericidal antimicrobial(s) but no protein synthesis inhibitor and no antitoxin/antiserum). Sulfa drugs and cephalosporins are not considered anthrax-appropriate antimicrobial treatment and therefore did not contribute to the count of antimicrobials in this table. Patients described by author Meselson (N = 24) were excluded because they lacked treatment data [2]. Additional exclusions included 63 patients who died on their first day of hospitalization and 8 who lacked survival status. Thirteen patients had at least 1 antimicrobial other than a sulfa or cephalosporin before hospitalization and 7 patients had their first treatment after day 2 of hospitalization and were excluded from this table. A few patients had unclear treatment timing and could not be classified.


Systemic refers to our definition published in “Identifying Meningitis During an Anthrax Mass Casualty Incident: Systemic Review of Systemic Anthrax Since 1880” except that we removed the qualification of “death” [11].


One localized cutaneous patient had possible meningitis and was excluded from these columns. This 1 patient had antimicrobial monotherapy (a bactericidal) and lived. The length of hospital stay for this patient was 14 days.


Systemic patients lacking meningitis consisted of the following: 61 cutaneous, 16 ingestion, 19 inhalation, and 40 injection.


“None” refers to no antimicrobials or antitoxin/antiserum given at all before or throughout hospitalization. This is the only category that is not restricted to the first 2 days of hospitalization.


Antimicrobials are lumped into classes; therefore, having 1 antimicrobial refers to 1 class of antimicrobials, 2 antimicrobials refers to having 2 different classes of antimicrobials, etc.


This includes both antiserum and antitoxin.