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. 2022 Oct 17;75(Suppl 3):S459–S467. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac533

Table 3.

Demographics and Clinical Findings on Presentation Associated With Meningitis Among Adults Hospitalized for Cutaneous Anthrax, 1950–2018

Total Meningitis No Meningitis
Characteristic n (%) n (%) n (%) Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval) P Value
Overall 182 (100) 36 (19.8) 146 (80.2)
 Age, years
  18–45 108 (60.3) 179 14 (38.9) 36 94 (65.7) 143 Reference
  46–64 64 (35.8) 179 21 (58.3) 36 43 (30.1) 143 3.3 (1.4–7.6) <.01
  65+ 7 (3.9) 179 1 (2.8) 36 6 (4.2) 143 1.1 (0–10.4) 1.0
  Male 132 (72.9) 181 29 (80.6) 36 103 (71.0) 145 1.7 (.7–4.9) .3
  Female 49 (27.1) 181 7 (19.4) 36 42 (29.0) 145 Reference
   Pregnant 5 (10.2) 49 2 (28.6) 7 3 (7.1) 42 4.9 (.3–55.9) .3
   Not pregnant 44 (89.8) 49 5 (71.4) 7 39 (92.9) 42 Reference
 Geographic locationa
  European Region 85 (46.7) 182 9 (19.4) 36 76 (52.1) 146 Reference
  Eastern Mediterranean Region 27 (14.8) 182 3 (8.3) 36 24 (16.4) 146 1.1 (.2–4.7) 1.0
  Region of the Americas 22 (12.1) 182 2 (5.6) 36 20 (13.7) 146 0.8 (.1–4.6) 1.0
  Western Pacific Region 9 (4.9) 182 3 (8.3) 36 6 (4.1) 146 4.1 (.6–23.9) .2
  South-East Asia Region 27 (14.8) 182 13 (36.1) 36 14 (9.6) 146 7.6 (3.5–24.8) <.001
  African Region 12 (6.6) 182 6 (16.7) 36 6 (4.1) 146 8.1 (1.8–38.5) <.01
Clinical findings
  Fever or chills 87 (48.6) 179 26 (74.3) 35 61 (42.4) 144 3.9 (1.6–10.2) .001
  Anxiety 5 (2.8) 180 2 (5.7) 35 3 (2.1) 145 2.8 (.2–25.9) .5
  Headache 11 (6.1) 179 9 (19.4) 36 2 (1.4) 143 22.9 (4.4–229.0) <.0001
  Severe headache 2 (1.1) 181 2 (5.6) 36 0 (0) 145 10.0 (1.2–∞) .04
  Abdominal pain 2 (1.1) 182 2 (5.6) 36 0 (0) 146 10.0 (1.2–∞) .04
  Vomiting, emesis, nausea 10 (18) 180 10 (27.8) 36 0 (0) 144 73.4 (14.6–∞) <.0001
 Vital signs
  Fever (>38°C) 31 (54.4) 57 9 (75.0) 12 22 (48.9) 45 3.1 (.7–20.0) .2
  Tachycardia (>90 bpm) 14 (7.7) 24 6 (75.0) 8 8 (50.0) 16 2.9 (.4–37.6) .5
  Systolic hypotension (<90  mm Hg) 6 (3.3) 18 3 (50.0) 6 3 (25.0) 12 2.8 (.2–36.4) .6
  Diastolic hypotension (<60  mm Hg) 6 (3.3) 17 4 (66.7) 6 2 (18.2) 11 7.6 (.6–151.7) .1
 Lymphadenopathy 33 (18.2) 181 12 (33.3) 36 21 (14.5) 145 2.9 (1.2–7.3) .02
  Lesion characteristics
   Eschar number
    1 141 (82.0) 172 29 (67.7) 31 136 (96.5) 141 Reference
    2+ 31 (18.0) 172 2 (6.5) 31 5 (3.5) 141 1.2 (.3–3.4) .9
   Head or neck lesion 63 (36.0) 172 8 (25.8) 31 55 (39.0) 141 0.6 (.2–1.4) .2
   Head or neck edema 57 (31.7) 180 7 (20.0) 35 50 (34.5) 145 0.5 (.2–1.2) .1
   On or crossing a joint 79 (45.9) 172 17 (54.8) 31 62 (44.0) 141 1.5 (.7–3.7) .4
   Skin traumab 15 (8.2) 182 6 (16.7) 36 9 (6.2) 146 3.0 (.8–10.4) .1
   Thoracic edema 19 (10.4) 182 8 (22.2) 36 11 (7.5) 146 3.5 (1.1–10.5) .03
   Malignant pustule edemac 28 (16.5) 170 12 (41.4) 29 16 (11.3) 141 5.4 (2.0–14.8) <.001
  Nonheadache, nonmeningeal signsd 23 (12.6) 182 23 (63.9) 36 0 (0) 146 333.0 (68.4–∞) <.0001
  Evidence of coagulopathies 5 (2.8) 178 4 (12.5) 32 1 (0.7) 146 20.2 (1.9–∞) <.01
 Diagnostic test results
  Leukocytosis (>12 × 103/μL) 42 (48.3) 87 6 (75.0) 8 36 (45.6) 79 3.5 (.6–37.9) .2
  Thrombocytopenia (<130 × 103/mm3) 2 (28.6) 7 1 (50.0) 2 1 (20.0) 5 3.2 (–391.0) 1.0
  Hemoconcentratione 6 (24.0) 25 1 (20.0) 5 5 (25.0) 20 0.4 (–5.5) .9
  At presentation 2 (1.1) 182 1 (2.8) 36 1 (0.7) 146 4.1 (.1–327.4) .7
  Throughout hospitalization 15 (8.2) 182 12 (33.3) 36 3 (2.1) 146 23.2 (5.7–137.2) <.0001
 Fatal 47 (25.8) 182 35 (97.2) 36 12 (8.2) 146 363.5 (52.7–∞) <.0001

n = 182.


Geographic regions of countries based on World Health Organization classification system.


Skin trauma is defined as the presence of insect or other bites, lacerations, or other open wounds.


Cases demonstrating symptoms of shock or treatment with vasopressors excluded (n = 10).


Nonheadache, nonmeningeal signs include seizure, cranial nerve signs, limb weakness, papilledema.


Hemoconcentration defined by sex-specific elevations in hemoglobin (male, 14.0–18.0 g/dL; female, 11.5–15.5 g/dL) or hematocrit (male, 39%–49%; female, 33%–43%) values.