Measure | CGI-S | CGAS | CPRS |
Weber fraction | k = 0.13 LBF = –0.4 |
k = 0.164 LBF = –0.33 |
k = –0.05 LBF = –0.48 |
PSE | k = 0.09 LBF = –0.46 |
k = –0.193 LBF = –0.25 |
k = 0.15 LBF = –0.36 |
Math aggregate index | k = –0.07 LBF = –0.5 |
k = 0.147 LBF = –0.37 |
k = 0.35 LBF = 0.198 |
CGI-S, Clinical Global Impression-Severity scale; CGAS, Children Global Assessment Scale; CPRS, Conners Parent Rating Scale; Weber fraction, numerosity perceptual threshold; PSE, point of subjective equality from the numerosity perception task; math aggregate index, average z-score combining the performance on all symbolic mathematical tasks; k, Kendall’s correlation coefficient; LBF, LBF, Log10 Bayes Factor; LBF > 0.5, substantial evidence for H1 (correlation).