Figure 3.
The final result of MatchTope analysis: Hierarchical clustering is represented in a tree-based format. Pvclust provides two types of p-values: AU (Approximately Unbiased, red color) p-value and BP (Bootstrap Probability, green color) value. Branches inside red squares have an AU p-value higher than 95%, indicating a significant similarity between pMHCs clustered in that branch. There are three different clusters matching the different data sets used for MatchTope validation. (A) is related to the Hepatitis E Virus (HEV)-Specific T Cell Receptor study, (B) is the cluster from the throat cancer study, and (C) combines the clustering from the HCV and Dengue studies. Groups 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8 clustered epitopes that have cross-reactivity confirmed by in vitro data. Supplementary Table 1 presents the epitope list and which epitopes similarly trigger cross reactivity.