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. 2022 Oct 20;13:940478. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.940478

Table 2.

Article characteristics.

Article number References Country Title Methods as described in the study Participants Country and ethnicity Focus of study relating to participation in family occupations
1 Burkett et al. (2021) USA Restricted eating in pre-schoolers with Autism: Mother stressors and solutions Focus group and ethno-nursing design 11 mothers of pre-school children (3–6 years) 9 = non-Hispanic/Caucasian from a large Midwestern city 1= African American 1= Asian American. Mealtimes routines and preferences
2 Burrows et al. (2008) Canada Sentinels of safety: Service dogs ensure safety and enhance freedom and well-being for families with autistic children Participant observation and video; semi-structured interviews 10 families (children 4.5–14 years) Southwestern Ontario (Canada) Family activities in the home and public outings
3 Columna et al. (2020) USA The experiences of Hispanic families of children with autism spectrum disorder regarding physical activity Semi-structured telephone interviews 9 parents (Hispanic families) (children 6–14 years) Hispanic Parents - Participants resided in five different states in the U.S. (Georgia, Florida, New York, Massachusetts, and Texas) and one participant did not report their state of residence. Recreational activities, exercise and hobbies
4 DeGrace (2004) USA The everyday occupation of families with children with autism In-depth interviewing 5 families (5 children 9–10 years) USA Everyday occupations of families
5 DeGrace et al. (2014) USA Families' experiences and occupations following the diagnosis of autism Semi-structured interviews 7 families (7 children 3–18 years) USA Family occupations
6 Dickie et al. (2009) USA Parent reports of sensory experiences of preschool children with and without autism: a qualitative study Telephone or face-to-face interviews Parents of 66 pre-schoolers (37 parents of autistic children 6–17 years)) USA (White, Black and Hispanic included) Responses to sensory experiences (food-related, self-care)
7 Epstein et al. (2019) Australia Parent-observed thematic data on quality of life in children with autism spectrum disorder Semi-structured interviews 21 parents (19 mothers, 2 fathers) (children 6–17 years) Parents living in Australia. Country of Birth for Parents: Australia (10) and other (11) which included Argentina, England, Scotland, Germany, Poland, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore Relaxation, natural environment, routines and social connection
8 Galbraith and Lancaster (2020) Australia Children with autism in wild nature: Exploring Australian parent perceptions using photovoice Photovoice 3 Participants (children 5–10) Australia Nature and the outdoors, and balancing needs of sibling
9 Harwood et al. (2019) Australia Parental perceptions of the nature of the relationship children with Autism Spectrum Disorders share with their canine companion Case design - interviews 11 mothers (children aged 5–12) Western Australia Companionship and influence of assistant dog on sensory experiences relating to sleep and social connection
10 Keller et al. (2014) USA Relationships of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their fathers Semi-structured interviews 7 fathers (children 4–6 years) USA Shared family activities, fathering
11 Kim et al. (2018) USA Listening to the screaming whisper: a voice of mother caregivers of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) Semi-structured interviews 12 mothers (average age of child was 9) Indiana, USA Leisure and recreation: negotiation and constraint
12 Kirkpatrick et al. (2019) Ireland Qualitative study on parents' perspectives of the familial impact of living with a child with autism spectrum disorder who experiences insomnia Focus groups 15 parents (15 children 4–12 years) Ireland Bedtime routine, eating, sleep, social connections
13 Larson (2006) USA Caregiving and autism: how does children's propensity for routinization influence participation in family activities? Semi-structured interviews 9 participants (children 3–14 years) USA based (6 Caucasians of European descent, 1 Puerto Rican/African-American, 1 Chinese, and 1 Mexican) Routines in family life including restaurant, leisure activities, morning routines
14 Larson (2010) USA Ever vigilant: Maternal support of participation in daily life for boys with autism Semi-structured interviews 9 mothers (children 3–8 years) USA based varied in self-identified ethnicity (6 Caucasians of European descent, 1 Puerto Rican/African-American, 1 Chinese, and 1 Mexican), Routines in self-care, leisure and social activities
15 Marquenie et al. (2011) Australia Dinnertime and bedtime routines and rituals in families with a young child with an autism spectrum disorder Semi-structured interviews 14 mothers (children 2–5 years) Australia Routines: bedtime and dinnertime
16 Naik and Vajaratkar (2019) India Understanding parent's difficulties in executing activities of daily living of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Semi-structured interviews 20 participants (fathers = 9 and mothers = 11) (children 5–9 years) India Self-care activities including eating, toileting, dressing, brushing, grooming, sleep
17 Potter (2017) UK Fathers experiences of sleeping problems in children with autism Semi-structured interviews 25 fathers (20 children: 15 were under 10 years) Fathers living in the UK (24 white and 1 Black) Sleep challenges, and fathers management of night-time waking
18 Redquest et al. (2020) Canada Social and motor skills of children and youth with autism from the perspectives of caregivers Semi-structured interviews 8 participants (children 6-16 years) Canada Physical hobbies, social skills concerning physical activity
19 Rios and Scharoun Benson (2020) Canada Exploring caregiver perspectives of social and motor skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and the impact on participation Semi-structured interviews 17 participants (mothers, fathers and 1 grandmother) (children 5–9 years) Canada Participation in social activities and influence of motor skills and social skills
20 Schaaf et al. (2011) USA The everyday routines of families of children with autism Examining the impact of sensory processing difficulties on the family Semi-structured interviews 4 Families (children 7–12 years) USA white, non-Hispanic Participation in family activities inside and outside the home
21 Shannon et al. (2021) Canada “There's nothing here”: Perspectives from rural parents promoting safe active recreation for children living with autism spectrum disorders Open ended & semi-structured interviews 12 parents (10 mothers, 2 fathers) of children (3–12 years) Canada Participation in safe active recreation in rural areas
22 Suarez et al. (2014) USA Phenomenological examination of the mealtime experience for mothers of children with autism and food selectivity Semi-structured interviews 4 mothers (children 6–9 years) USA - 3 white non-Hispanic and 1 white Hispanic Mealtime routines and preferences
23 Tokatly Latzer et al. (2021) Israel Core experiences of parents of children with autism during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown Semi-structured interviews Parents of 25 children (children 4–6 years) Israel - low (n = 7), middle (n = 8), and high (n = 10) socioeconomic backgrounds recruited Adjusting to home routines during COVID-19 lockdown