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. 2022 Oct 28;13:963765. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.963765


Paired samples t-test.

For the subset of children aged 6–10, VR significantly reduced pain (i.e., increased the amount of pressure needed before the healthy participants first noticed pain) Mean difference scores Std. deviation Std. error mean t df Sig (2-tailed)
Pair 1: Pressure during no distraction vs. pressure during desktop VR −8.73 6.06 1.24 7.06 23 <001

Pair 2: Pressure during no distraction vs. pressure during color naming task −4.85 6.40 1.31 3.72 23 <005

Pair 3: Pressure during color naming task vs. pressure during desktop VR −3.89 5.87 1.20 3.23 23 <005

According to a between groups analysis, just noticeable pain during no distraction occurred at a significantly greater pressure in children aged 6–10 than in children aged 2–5. In other words, children under 6 showed greater sensitivity to pain during no distraction (see Table 5).