Covariates-adjusted model using structural equation modeling including all material hardship predictors and white matter connectivity targets. Model fit statistics indicate excellent fit: χ2[45] = 47.931, p = .355; RMSEA = .019 [.000, .053], CFI = .980, TLI = .965, SRMR = .047. Consistent with regression results, there were positive associations between material hardship at age 5 years with right amygdala–BA 10 (dmPFC) and hardship at age 15 years with left amygdala–BA 25 (sgACC). Furthermore, there were trending negative associations between material hardship at ages 9 and 15 years with right amygdala–BA 11 (OFC) white matter connectivity. Covariates included in the model: ethnoracial identity, sex, pubertal age, birth city, maternal education, family structure, violence exposure, social deprivation, and annual household income at baseline. +
p < .10. * p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001.