Fig. 4. Cxcl5 plays a crucial role in stromal Foxf2-mediated tumor suppression.
ELISA of Cxcl5, Cxcl9 and Cxcl10 in lysates of RM-1 tumors grown with control (Ctrl) and Foxf2-expressing mouse stromal cells (a) and supernatant of in vitro cultured control and Foxf2-expressing mouse prostate stromal cells (mPrSC) (b). Data represent means ± s.d. of protein expression. In Fig. 4, N = 9 per group for Cxcl5, N = 7 per group for Cxcl9 and Cxcl10. In Fig. 4b, N = 3 per group. Two-sided unpaired t-test. c qRT-PCR of Cxcl5/9/10 in FACS-isolated stromal, RM-1, and myeloid cells from RM-1 tumors grown with mouse prostate stromal cells. Data represent means ± s.d. of gene expression from 4 tumors per group. d, e qRT-PCR of Foxf2 and Cxcl5/9/10 in FACS-isolated stromal cells from RM-1 tumors grown with control and Foxf2-expressing stromal cells and from prostates of 9-mth-old control (Col1a2-TRAMP) and Col1a2-Foxf2-TRAMP mice. Dot plots show means ± s.d. of gene expression from 4 mice per group. f Image of RM-1 tumors grown with control and Foxf2-expressing stromal cells with scrambled shRNA or shRNAs against Cxcl5. Dot plot shows means ± s.d. of tumor weight. N = 8 per group. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Bar = 1 cm. g Dot plots show means ± s.d. of percentages of immune cell lineages determined by flow cytometry. N = 7 per group except that N = 6 for analysis of macrophages in shCxcl5-2 group. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. h Image of RM-1 tumors grown with control and Foxf2-expressing stromal cells with scrambled shRNA or shRNAs against Cxcl9 and Cxcl10. Dot plot shows means ± s.d. of tumor weight. N = 8 per group. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Bar = 1 cm. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.