Figure 1.
Schematic illustrating the experimental design. 1670 Republicans and Democrats were randomized into one of three experimental conditions: (1) the neutral prime condition, where they read an article about early human carvings in South Africa; (2) a patriotic prime condition, where they read an article about Fourth of July celebrations; and (3) a common-enemy prime condition, where they read an article about the combined threat of Iran, China, and Russia. After reading the article, each participant was offered financial incentives to estimate the answer to a question about a political issue and told that their compensation would increase according to the accuracy of their response. After submitting their first estimate, participants were shown the estimate of a bot impersonating a member of the opposing party. By measuring how often members of each party revise their answers towards the bot in the subsequent round of estimation, we measure how much members of each party learn from the opposing party within each treatment condition.