Fig. 3. Violin plots for Z-score distributions of local genetic correlations within each meta-locus.
GlobalRgClusters: Phenotype clusters derived from partitioned clustering of global genetic correlation. CTF cognitive task performance, NCF non-cognitive factor. a Prioritized meta-loci for cognitive task performance. b Prioritized meta-loci for non-cognitive skills. a, b Bipolar: bipolar disorder, Anorexia: anorexia nervosa, Tourette’s: Tourette’s syndrome, MDD: major depressive disorder (Howard et al., 2019)63, Dep-Aff: depressive-affect, MDD_MVP: major depressive disorder (Million Veteran Project), Anxiety_mvp: anxiety disorder (Million Veteran Project), PTSD_mvp/pcl: post-traumatic stress disorder (Million Veteran Project; Total PCL: total PCL symptom scores).