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. 2022 Oct;10(20):1137. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-4959

Table 2. Characteristics associated with 28-day mortality among patients who received colistin sulfate.

Characteristics Survivors (n=28) Non-survivors (n=22) P value
Age (years) 66 (47.5–84.3) 79 (65.8–88) 0.78
Male 22 (78.6) 18 (81.8) 1.0
Weight (kg) 60 (55.0–75.0) 59 (54.3–70.0) 0.445
T (℃) 38.4±0.81 37.9±1.1 0.098
SOFA score 10.0±4.3 12.0±4.1 0.119
APACHE II score 23.2±6 25.6±3.8 0.084
MV 23 (82.1) 19 (86.4) 0.988
CRRT 3 (10.7) 11 (50.0) 0.02
Shock 15 (53.6) 14 (63.6) 0.569
Dose 1.5 (1.5–1.5) 1.5 (1.5–1.5) 0.117
ICU stay (days) 42 (21.3–61.3) 24 (16.5–31.5) 0.007
Total length of stay (days) 57 (268–87.8) 31.5 (18.8–41.8) 0.007
MV (days) 25.5 (14.3–58.5) 20 (11.5–30) 0.17
Duration of CS use (days) 14.5 (9.3–19.8) 10 (6–11.5) 0.002
Cumulative CS dose (million IU) 20.71±8.36 13.9±5.4 0.001
WBC (109/L) 11.56 (7.0–17.9) 12.11 (8.4–18.3) 0.792
N (109/L) 8.75 (5.7–15.6) 12.4 (7.0–22.5) 0.348
CRP (mg/L) 89.6 (64.2–146.5) 131.7 (87.4–200.2) 0.107
PCT (ng/mL) 2.38 (0.8–7.0) 2.21 (1.3–6.0) 0.703
PLT (109/L) 120 (71–198) 76 (36.5–162.5) 0.113
TBIL (μmol/L) 32.05 (19.2–89.0) 23.8 (19.4–111.6) 0.113
Cr (μmol/L) 82.15 (61.9–129.9) 97.8 (68.6–119.7) 0.406
Alb (g/L) 30.55 (28.5–34) 31.45 (27.9–35.0) 0.907
Lac (mmol/L) 2.6 (1.6–3.53) 2.75 (1.78–4.3) 0.525
Bacteria eradication 18 (64.3) 11 (50.0) 0.31
Baseline nephrotoxicity 8 (28.6) 14 (63.6) 0.013
Nephrotoxicity after therapy 7 (25.0) 13 (59.1) 0.015

Data are shown as mean ± SD, median (IQR) or n (%). IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation; T, temperature; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; MV, mechanical ventilation; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; ICU, intensive care unit; CS, colistin sulfate; WBC, white blood cell; N, neutrophils; CRP, C-reaction protein; PCT, procalcitonin; PLT, platelet; TBIL, total bilirubin; Cr, creatinine; Alb, albumin; Lac, lactate.